Treasure Hunting Guide : Snowy Mountains
Snowy Mountain |
Desert |
Jungle |
Swamp |
Forest and Hills |
Volcano |
Old Forest (Sea of Trees)
Area 1
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Map | 地図 | Map | - | Medium | Infinite
| Psychoserum | 千里眼の薬 | Psychoserum | - | Medium |
| Paintball | ペイントボール | Paintball | - | Medium |
| Farcaster | モドリ玉 | Farcaster | - | Medium |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Whetstone | 砥石 | Whetstone | - | High | 3~4
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Dragonrock | 竜岩 | Dragonrock | 2000 Pts | Medium |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Mega Potion | 回復薬グレート | Mega Potion | - | High | 4~8
| Gunpowder | 爆薬 | Gunpowder | - | Medium |
| Wyvern Grass | 竜草 | Wyvern Grass | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Bug Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Mega Fishing Fly | 釣りフィーバエ | Mega Fishing Fly | - | Medium | Infinite
| Rathalos Fly | 竜虫【雄】 | Rathalos Fly | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Rathian Fly | 竜虫【雌】 | Rathian Fly | 300 Pts | Medium |
| Princess Scarab | ヒミコガネ | Princess Scarab | 600 Pts | Low |
| Pillow Bug | ムラサキシキブン | Pillow Bug | 800 Pts | Low |
| Dragonrock | 竜岩 | Dragonrock | 2000 Pts | Low |
Fishing Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Pickaxe Fish | ピッケル活魚 | Pickaxe Fish | 100 Pts | Medium | Infinite
| Small Wyvernfish | 竜魚【小】 | Small Wyvernfish | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Med Wyvernfish | 竜魚【中】 | Med Wyvernfish | 300 Pts | Medium |
| Chuck Mackerel | サバスチャン | Chuck Mackerel | 600 Pts | Medium |
| Lady Mackerel | お嬢サバ | Lady Mackerel | 800 Pts | Medium |
Area 2
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Book of Combos 1 | 調合書①入門編 | Book of Combos 1 | - | Medium | 8
| Book of Combos 2 | 調合書②初級編 | Book of Combos 2 | - | Medium |
| Hot Drink | ホットドリンク | Hot Drink | - | Medium |
| Book of Combos 3 | 調合書③中級編 | Book of Combos 3 | - | Medium |
| Paintball | ペイントボール | Paintball | - | Medium |
| BBQ Spit | 肉焼きセット | BBQ Spit | - | Low |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Dragonite (L) | 竜石【大】 | Dragonite(L) | 500 Pts | Medium | 5
| Dragonite (M) | 竜石【中】 | Dragonite(M) | 300 Pts | Medium |
| Blngo Blzrd Ball | ブランゴの大雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Furiamond | フラヒヤモンド | Furiamond Ore | 500 Pts | High | 1~6
| Mega Juice | 強走薬グレート | Mega Juice | - | Low |
| Pokke Quartz | ポッケクォーツ | Pokke Quartz | 1000 Pts | Low |
Bug Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Rathalos Fly | 竜虫【雄】 | Rathalos Fly | 100 Pts | High | 8~10
| Rathian Fly | 竜虫【雌】 | Rathian Fly | 300 Pts | Medium |
| Princess Scarab | ヒミコガネ | Princess Scarab | 500 Pts | Low |
| Pillow Bug | ムラサキシキブン | Pillow Bug | 800 Pts | Low |
| Dragonrock | 竜岩 | Dragonrock | 2000 Pts | Low |
Area 3
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Empty Bottle | 空きビン | Empty Bottle | - | Medium | Infinite
| Sm Bone Husk | カラ骨【小】 | Sm Bone Husk | - | Medium |
| Huskberry | カラの実 | Huskberry | - | Medium |
| Genprey Fang | ゲネポスの麻痺牙 | Genprey Fang | - | Medium |
| Ioprey Fang | イーオスの毒牙 | Ioprey Fang | - | Low |
| Wyvern Fang | 竜の牙 | Wyvern Fang | - | Low |
| Wyvern Claw | 竜の爪 | Wyvern Claw | - | Low |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Frozen Meatball | 氷結ミートボール | Frozen Meatball | 5000 Pts | High | 1~2
| Eldr Drgn Tears | 古龍の涙 | Eldr Drgn Tears | 8000 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Nitroshroom | ニトロダケ | Nitroshroom | - | Medium | 8
| Toadstool | 毒テングダケ | Toadstool | - | Medium |
| Parashroom | マヒダケ | Parashroom | - | Medium |
| Wyvernshroom | 竜茸 | Wyvernshroom | 200 Pts | Medium |
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Low |
| Dragon Toadstool | マンドラゴラ | Dragon Toadstool | - | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Sm Barrel-Bomb | 小タル爆弾 | Sm Barrel-Bomb | - | Medium | Infinite
| Lg Barrel-Bomb | 大タル爆弾 | Lg Barrel-Bomb | - | Medium |
| Sm Barrel-Bomb+ | 小タル爆弾G | Sm Barrel-Bomb+ | - | Medium |
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Lg Barrel-Bomb+ | 大タル爆弾G | Lg Barrel-Bomb+ | - | Low |
Area 4
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Old Pickaxe | ボロピッケル | Old Pickaxe | - | High | 2~3
| Power Juice | 強走薬 | Power Juice | - | Medium |
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Medium |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Cricket | 釣りバッタ | Cricket | - | High | Infinite
| Small Barrel | 小タル | Small Barrel | - | Medium |
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Whetstone | 砥石 | Whetstone | - | Medium | Infinite
| Hot Drink | ホットドリンク | Hot Drink | - | Medium |
| Gunpowder | 爆薬 | Gunpowder | - | Medium |
| Power Juice | 強走薬 | Power Juice | - | Medium |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Dragonrock+ | 上竜岩 | Dragonrock+ | 3000 Pts | Medium | 2
| Dragonrock | 竜岩 | Dragonrock | 2000 Pts | Medium | 2
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low | 2
Area 5
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Pierce S Lv1 | LV1 貫通弾 | Pierce S Lv1 | - | Medium | Infinite
| Pierce S Lv2 | LV2 貫通弾 | Pierce S Lv2 | - | Medium |
| Velociprey Fang | ランポスの牙 | Velociprey Fang | - | Medium |
| Pierce S Lv3 | LV3 貫通弾 | Pierce S Lv3 | - | Medium |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Sm Barrel-Bomb | 小タル爆弾 | Sm Barrel-Bomb | - | Medium | 4~6
| Lg Barrel-Bomb | 大タル爆弾 | Lg Barrel-Bomb | - | Medium |
| Fire Herb | 火薬草 | Fire Herb | - | Medium |
| Gunpowder | 爆薬 | Gunpowder | - | Medium |
| Blngo Flrry Ball | ブランゴの小雪玉 | Blango Flrry Ball | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Book of Combos 4 | 調合書④上級編 | Book of Combos 4 | - | Low |
| Book of Combos 5 | 調合書⑤達人編 | Book of Combos 5 | - | Low |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Huskberry | カラの実 | Huskberry | - | Medium | 2~5
| Scatternut | はじけクルミ | Scatternut | - | Medium |
| Paintberry | ペイントの実 | Paintberry | - | Medium |
| Wyvern Grass | 竜草 | Wyvern Grass | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Popo Dandelion | タンポポポ | Popo Dandelion | 500 Pts | Low |
| Hot Pepper | トウガラシ | Hot Pepper | - | Low |
| Blangonga Apple | ドドブラリンゴ | Blangonga Apple | 1000 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Wyvern Ore | 竜鉱石 | Wyvern Ore | 100 Pts | Medium | 5~6
| Pure Wyvern Ore | 竜輝石 | Pure Wyvern Ore | 300 Pts | Medium |
| Furiamond | フラヒヤモンド | Furiamond Ore | 500 Pts | Low |
| Hard Dragonrock | 堅竜岩 | Hard Dragonrock | 4000 Pts | Low |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Area 6
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Nitroshroom | ニトロダケ | Nitroshroom | - | Medium | 8
| Demondrug | 鬼人薬 | Demondrug | - | Medium |
| Wyvernshroom | 竜茸 | Wyvernshroom | 200 Pts | Medium |
| Glitter Mushroom | キラメキノコ | Pikashrooms | 800 Pts | Low |
| Lifepowder | 生命の粉塵 | Lifepowder | - | Low |
| Dragon Toadstool | マンドラゴラ | Dragon Toadstool | - | Low |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Firefly | 釣りホタル | Firefly | - | High | Infinite
| Rathian Fly | 竜虫【雌】 | Rathian Fly | 300 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Potion | 回復薬 | Potion | - | Medium | 5~8
| Mega Nutrients | 栄養剤グレート | Mega Nutrients | - | Medium |
| Blngo Blzrd Ball | ブランゴの大雪玉 | Blango Blzrd Ball | 200 Pts | Medium |
| Frozen Meatball | 氷結ミートボール | Frozen Meatball | 5000 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Pure Wyvern Ore | 竜輝石 | Pure Wyvern Ore | 300 Pts | Medium | Infinite
| Wyvern Ore | 竜鉱石 | Wyvern Ore | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Flute | 角笛 | Flute | - | Medium |
| Old Bugnet | ボロ虫あみ | Old Bugnet | - | Medium |
| Armorskin | 硬化薬 | Armorskin | - | Low |
| Farcaster | モドリ玉 | Farcaster | - | Low |
Area 7
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Blngo Blzrd Ball | ブランゴの大雪玉 | Blango Blzrd Ball | 200 Pts | Medium | 5~6
| Large Barrel | 大タル | Large Barrel | - | Medium |
| Wyvernshroom | 竜茸 | Wyvernshroom | 200 Pts | Medium |
| Old Pickaxe | ボロピッケル | Old Pickaxe | - | Medium |
| Glitter Mushroom | キラメキノコ | Pikashrooms | 800 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Crag S Lv1 | LV1 徹甲榴弾 | Crag S Lv1 | - | Medium | Infinite
| Flaming S | 火炎弾 | Flaming S | - | Medium |
| Crag S Lv2 | LV2 徹甲榴弾 | Crag S Lv2 | - | Medium |
| Paint S | ペイント弾 | Paint S | - | Low |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Fire Herb | 火薬草 | Fire Herb | - | Medium | 8
| Hot Pepper | トウガラシ | Hot Pepper | - | Medium |
| Popo Dandelion | タンポポポ | Popo Dandelion | 500 Pts | Medium |
| Wyvern Grass | 竜草 | Wyvern Grass | 100 pts | Medium |
| Blangonga Apple | ドドブラリンゴ | Blangonga Apple | 1000 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 4 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Hot Drink | ホットドリンク | Hot Drink | - | Medium | 6~8
| Old Bugnet | | Old Bugnet | - | Medium |
| Farcaster | モドリ玉 | Farcaster | - | Medium |
| Dragonite (S) | 竜石【小】 | Dragonite(S) | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Whetstone | 砥石 | Whetstone | - | Low |
| Blngo Blzrd Ball | ブランゴの大雪玉 | Blango Blzrd Ball | 200 Pts | Low |
| Paintball | ペイントボール | Paintball | - | Low |
| Bomb Material | 素材玉 | Bomb Material | - | Low |
Area 8
Gathering Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Pellet S Lv1 | LV1 散弾 | Pellet S Lv1 | - | Medium | Infinite
| Pellet S Lv2 | LV2 散弾 | Pellet S Lv2 | - | Medium |
| Sm Bone Husk | カラ骨【小】 | Sm Bone Husk | - | Medium |
| Wyvern Fang | 竜の牙 | Wyvern Fang | - | Medium |
Gathering Point 2 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Wyvern Grass | 竜草 | Wyvern Grass | 100 Pts | Medium | 3~5
| Popo Dandelion | タンポポポ | Popo Dandelion | 500 Pts | Medium |
| Blngo Blzrd Ball | ブランゴの大雪玉 | Blango Blzrd Ball | 200 Pts | Medium |
| Blangonga Apple | ドドブラリンゴ | Blangonga Apple | 1000 Pts | Low |
Gathering Point 3 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Fire Herb | 火薬草 | Fire Herb | - | Medium | 2~3
| Wyvern Grass | 竜草 | Wyvern Grass | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Dragonite (L) | 竜石【大】 | Dragonite(L) | 500 Pts | Medium |
| Embroidered Flag | 刺繍入りの登頂旗 | Embroidered Flag | 200 Pts | Low |
Mining Point 1 | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Chances | Frequency
| Pure Wyvern Ore | 竜輝石 | Pure Wyvern Ore | 300 Pts | Medium | Infinite
| Pure Wyvern Ore | 竜輝石 | Wyvern Ore | 100 Pts | Medium |
| Furiamond | フラヒヤモンド | Furiamond Ore | 500 Pts | Medium |
| Pokke Quartz | ポッケクォーツ | Pokke Quartz | 1000 Pts | Low |
Monsters |
Monsters | Unite Names | Items in Kanji | Patch Names | Points | Carves | % Chance
| | | |
Anteka | Immunizer | 活力剤 | Immunizer | - | 1 | 50%
| | | |
| Raw Meat | 生肉 | Raw Meat | - | | 50%
| | | |
Giaprey | Thawing Agent | 解氷剤 | Thawing Agent | - | 1 | 30%
| | | |
| Rare Steak | 生焼け肉 | Rare Steak | - | | 20%
| | | |
| Dragonite (S) | 竜石【小】 | Dragonite(S) | 100 Pts | | 20%
| | | |
| Dragonite (M) | 竜石【中】 | Dragonite(M) | 300 Pts | | 15%
| | | |
| Dragonite (L) | 竜石【大】 | Dragonite(L) | 500 Pts | | 10%
| | | |
| Dragonrock | 竜岩 | Dragonrock | 2000 Pts | | 5%
| | | |
Giadrome | Giadrome Thigh | ギアノスのモモ | Giadrome Thigh | 1000 Pts | 2 | 55%
| | | |
| Green Fin | グリーンフィン | Green Fin | 1500 Pts | | 40%
| | | |
| Giadrome Jewel | ギアノスの秘玉 | Giadrome Jewel | 15000 Pts | | 5%
| | | |
Blango | Old Bugnet | ボロ虫あみ | Old Bugnet | - | 1 | 40%
| | | |
| Dragonite (S) | 竜石【小】 | Dragonite(S) | 100 Pts | | 22%
| | | |
| Hot Drink | ホットドリンク | Hot Drink | - | | 20%
| | | |
| Dragonite (M) | 竜石【中】 | Dragonite(M) | 300 Pts | | 10%
| | | |
| Blango Bacon | ブランゴのカルビ | Blango Bacon | 800 Pts | | 8%
| | | |
Popo | Well-Done Steak | こんがり肉 | Well-Done Steak | - | 2 | 50%
| | | |
| Raw Meat | 生肉 | Raw Meat | - | | 25%
| | | |
| Dragonite (S) | 竜石【小】 | Dragonite(S) | 100 Pts | | 18%
| | | |
| Dragonite (M) | 竜石【中】 | Dragonite(M) | 300 Pts | | 7%
| | | |
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