Treasure Hunting Guide : Swamp

Snowy Mountain | Desert | Jungle | Swamp | Forest and Hills | Volcano | Old Forest (Sea of Trees)
Base Camp
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Small Wyvernfish竜魚【小】Small Wyvernfish100 ptsMediumInfinite
Pickaxe Fishピッケル活魚Pickaxe Fish100 ptsMedium
Bugnet Fish虫あみ活魚Bugnet Fish100 ptsMedium
Med Wyvernfish竜魚【中】Med Wyvernfish300 ptsLow
Hideyoshi Ambrjkカンパチ秀吉Great Amberjack600 ptsLow
Area 1
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Book of Combos 3調合書③中級編Book of Combos 3-MediumInfinite
Book of Combos 4調合書④上級編Book of Combos 4-Medium
Mega Potion回復薬グレートMega Potion-Medium
Book of Combos 5調合書⑤達人編Book of Combos 5-Medium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Large Barrel大タルLarge Barrel-Medium7~10
Sm Barrel-Bomb小タル爆弾Sm Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Trap ToolトラップツールTrap Tool-Low
Hot DrinkホットドリンクHot Drink-Low
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Mystery Boneなぞの骨Mystery Bone-Medium3
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsHigh8
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
Cutie CrawlerワームキューレCutie Crawler500 ptsLow
Area 2
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium
Old Vase Bottom古のツボ底Old Vase Bottom300 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsMedium5~7
Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Old PickaxeボロピッケルOld Pickaxe-Medium
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Mega Fishing Fly釣りフィーバエMega Fishing Fly-MediumInfinite
Area 3
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Hot DrinkホットドリンクHot Drink-Medium
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Khezu Seedフルフルの実Khezu Seed600 ptsMedium3~6
Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 ptsMedium
Mystery Boneなぞの骨Mystery Bone-Medium
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium5
Liber RubyリーヴェルビーLiber Ruby500 ptsMedium
Old Vase Bottom古のツボ底Old Vase Bottom300 ptsLow
Golden Cocoon金色タママユGolden Cocoon5000 ptsLow
SchraditeシュレイドタイトSchradite800 ptsLow
Mining Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsHighInfinite
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium
Liber RubyリーヴェルビーLiber Ruby500 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Fishing Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Small Wyvernfish竜魚【小】Small Wyvernfish100 ptsMediumInfinite
Med Wyvernfish竜魚【中】Med Wyvernfish300 ptsMedium
Large Wyvernfish竜魚【大】Lrg Wyvernfish500 ptsMedium
Hideyoshi Ambrjkカンパチ秀吉Great Amberjack600 ptsLow
Nobunaga BonitoノブナガツオBeach Herring800ptsLow
Area 4
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 pts Medium5~7
Old Vase Bottom古のツボ底Old Vase Bottom300 ptsMedium
Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Medium
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Pierce S Lv1LV1 貫通弾Pierce S Lv1-MediumInfinite
Pierce S Lv2LV2 貫通弾Pierce S Lv2-Medium
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙Velociprey Fang-Medium
Pierce S Lv3LV3 貫通弾Pierce S Lv3-Medium
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsLow
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Herbal Medicine漢方薬Herbal Medicine-High2~4
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Area 5
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Bttmlss Old Vase底のない古のツボBottomless Old Vase300 ptsLow
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Normal S Lv2LV2 通常弾Normal S Lv2-MediumInfinite
Pellet S Lv1LV1 散弾Pellet S Lv1-Medium
Pellet S Lv2LV2 散弾Pellet S Lv2-Medium
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Large Barrel大タルLarge Barrel-Medium
BBQ Spit肉焼きセットBBQ Spit-Medium
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Area 6
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Power Coating強撃ビンPowerCoating-MediumInfinite
Poison Coating毒ビンPoisonCoatng-Medium
ParalysisCoating麻痺ビンPara Coating-Medium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsMedium5~7
Bttmlss Old Vase底のない古のツボBottomless Old Vase300 ptsMedium
Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Chameleos' PurseオオナズナChameleos' Purse500 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsHigh5
Chameleos' PurseオオナズナChameleos' Purse500 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Area 7
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Crag S Lv1LV1 徹甲榴弾Crag S Lv1-Medium20
Crag S Lv2LV2 徹甲榴弾Crag S Lv2-Medium
Crag S Lv3LV3 徹甲榴弾Crag S Lv3-Medium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium1~4
Khezu Seedフルフルの実Khezu Seed600 ptsMedium
Golden Cocoon金色タママユGolden Cocoon5000 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Mystery Boneなぞの骨Mystery Bone-Medium3~4
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium
Chameleos' PurseオオナズナChameleos' Purse500 ptsMedium
Lg Barrel-Bomb大タル爆弾Lg Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium10
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Liber RubyリーヴェルビーLiber Ruby500 ptsMedium
Bttmlss Old Vase底のない古のツボBottomless Old Vase300 ptsLow
SchraditeシュレイドタイトSchradite800 ptsLow
Area 8
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium4~7
Chameleos' PurseオオナズナChameleos' Purse500 ptsMedium
Bttmlss Old Vase底のない古のツボBottomless Old Vase300 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsHigh4~5
Cutie CrawlerワームキューレCutie Crawler500 ptsMedium
Ghostly CicadaヨウキヒグラシGhostly Cidada1000 ptsLow
Bug Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsHighInfinite
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
Bttmlss Old Vase底のない古のツボBottomless Old Vase300 ptsLow
Cutie CrawlerワームキューレCutie Crawler500 ptsLow
Area 9
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsHigh8
Khezu Seedフルフルの実Khezu Seed600 ptsMedium
Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 ptsLow
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Old Vase Bottom古のツボ底Old Vase Bottom300 ptsMedium
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsHigh2
Gypceros CrystalゲリョスイショウGypceros Crystal10000 ptsMedium
Mining Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesAmount of Times
Large Barrel大タルLarge Barrel-MediumInfinite
Sm Barrel-Bomb小タル爆弾Sm Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Lg Barrel-Bomb大タル爆弾Lg Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Old Vase Bottom古のツボ底Old Vase Bottom300 ptsLow
MonstersUnite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsCarves% ChanceUnite Shiny DropKanji Shiny Drop2g Shiny DropPoints% Chance
AptonothRaw Meat生肉Raw Meat-240%
Well-Done Steakこんがり肉Well-Done Steak-35%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts20%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts5%
IopreyDragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts145%
Mystery Boneなぞの骨Mystery Bone-30%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts20%
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 pts5%
Kelbi Hornケルビの角Kelbi Horn-30%
Raw Meat生肉Raw Meat-20%
CongaTainted Meatシビレ生肉Tainted Meat-145%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts17%
Congalala Innrds桃毛獣のテッポウCongalala Steak2000 pts3%
BulldromeTwstd Bldrm Tsk大猪のねじれた牙Twisted Bulldrome Tusk2000 pts340%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石Iron Ore-30%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】Sm Monster Bone-30%
CongalalaCongalala Innrds桃毛獣のテッポウCongalala Steak2000 pts355%Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】Sm Monster Bone-90%
Congalala Stomch桃毛獣のセンマイCongalala Stomach3000 pts40%Congalala Jewel桃毛獣の秘玉Congalala Jewel20000 pts10%
Congalala Jewel桃毛獣の秘玉Congalala Jewel20000 pts5%Glittr CapshroomピッカエリンギGlitter Capshroom1000 pts90%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石Iron Ore-90%
BullfangoMega Potion回復薬グレートMega Potion-130%
Flash Bomb閃光玉Flash Bomb-25%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts20%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts13%
Dragonite (L)竜石【大】Dragonite(L)500 pts8%
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 pts4%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】100 pts20%
Mega Potion回復薬グレート-10%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】300 pts10%