Treasure Hunting Guide : Desert

Snowy Mountain | Desert | Jungle | Swamp | Forest and Hills | Volcano | Old Forest (Sea of Trees)
Area 1
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsHigh4~6
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsMedium
Monoblos RoseモノブローズMonoblos Rose1000 ptsLow
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsHigh5~8
Cephalos WtrmelnガレオスイカCephalos Watermelon600 ptsMedium
Cephadrome MelonドスガレオスイカCephadrome Melon5000 ptsLow
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsMedium8~10
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
Cricket of TroyヘレンオケラーCricket of Troy500 ptsMedium
GiantStagBeetleオオオクワガタGrand Beetle800 ptsLow
Bug Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Mega Fishing Fly釣りフィーバエMega Fishing Fly-MediumInfinite
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsMedium
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
Cricket of TroyヘレンオケラーCricket of Troy500 ptsLow
GiantStagBeetleオオオクワガタGrand Beetle800 ptsLow
Fishing Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Med Wyvernfish竜魚【中】Med Wyvernfish300 ptsMediumInfinite
Plump GoldenfishオオゼキンギョLg Goldenfish600 ptsMedium
Knife MackerelキレアジKnife Mackerel-Medium
YokotunaヨコツナBluefin Tuna800 ptsLow
Area 2
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sonic Bomb音爆弾Sonic Bomb-Medium
Bright MushroomマブシイタケBright Mushroom800 ptsLow
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Book of Combos 1調合書①入門編Book of Combos 1-Medium
Book of Combos 2調合書②初級編Book of Combos 2-Medium
Book of Combos 3調合書③中級編Book of Combos 3-Medium
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Portable Spit携帯肉焼きセットPortable Spit-Medium
Old PickaxeボロピッケルOld Pickaxe-Medium
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Area 3
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Mega Potion回復薬グレートMega Potion-Medium3~5
Book of Combos 4調合書④上級編Book of Combos 4-Medium
Book of Combos 5調合書⑤達人編Book of Combos 5-Low
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Pellet S Lv1LV1 散弾Pellet S Lv1-MediumInfinite
Pellet S Lv2LV2 散弾Pellet S Lv2-Medium
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】Sm Bone Husk-Medium
Wyvern Fang竜の牙Wyvern Fang-Medium
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Mega Fishing Fly釣りフィーバエMega Fishing Fly-Medium
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsLow
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Medium4~6
Lg Barrel-Bomb大タル爆弾Lg Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsLow
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsLow
Area 4
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】Sm Bone Husk-Medium15
Wyvern Claw 竜の爪Wyvern Claw-Medium
Clust S Lv1LV1 拡散弾Clust S Lv1-Medium
Clust S Lv2LV2 拡散弾Clust S Lv2-Medium
Clust S Lv3LV3 拡散弾Clust S Lv3-Low
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Power Juice強走薬Power Juice-Medium
Demon Flute鬼人笛Demon Flute-Low
Armor Flute硬化笛Armor Flute-Low
Hndlelss Gld Bld柄のない黄金の刃Handless Gold Blade300 ptsLow
Mining Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sonic Bomb音爆弾Sonic Bomb-Medium8~10
Lg Barrel-Bomb大タル爆弾Lg Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Shock Trapシビレ罠Shock Trap-Medium
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsLow
Hndlelss Gld Bld柄のない黄金の刃Handless Gold Blade300 ptsLow
Mining Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMediumInfinite
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Medium
DragokuriumドラコクルムアイDragokurium500 ptsLow
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Sekumaeya PearlセクメーアパールSekumaeya Pearl1000 ptsLow
Area 5
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium8
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsMedium
Cephalos WtrmelnガレオスイカCephalos Watermelon600 ptsMedium
Monoblos RoseモノブローズMonoblos Rose1000 ptsLow
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】Sm Bone Husk-MediumInfinite
Bright MushroomマブシイタケBright Mushroom800 ptsLow
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsLow
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 ptsMedium5~6
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 ptsMedium
Dragonite (L)竜石【大】Dragonite(L)500 ptsLow
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Crag S Lv1LV1 徹甲榴弾Crag S Lv1-Medium20
Flaming S火炎弾Flaming S-Medium
Crag S Lv2LV2 徹甲榴弾Crag S Lv2-Medium
Thunder S電撃弾Thunder S-Medium
Area 6
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-High2
Dragonrock+上竜岩Dragonrock+3000 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Power Coating強撃ビンPowerCoating-Medium10
Poison Coating毒ビンPoisonCoatng-Medium
ParalysisCoating麻痺ビンPara Coating-Medium
Rare Steak生焼け肉Rare Steak-Low
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Hot DrinkホットドリンクHot Drink-Medium2~6
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Low
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsLow
Hndlelss Gld Bld柄のない黄金の刃Handless Gold Blade300 ptsLow
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Cool DrinkクーラードリンクCool Drink-Medium4~5
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsMedium
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
Cricket of TroyヘレンオケラーCricket of Troy500 ptsLow
Fishing Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Cooler Fishクーラー活魚Cooler Fish100 ptsMediumInfinite
Plump GoldenfishオオゼキンギョLg Goldenfish600 ptsMedium
Knife MackerelキレアジKnife Mackerel-Medium
Pin TunaハリマグロPin Tuna-Low
Area 7
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Normal S Lv2LV2 通常弾Normal S Lv2-MediumInfinite
Normal S Lv3LV3 通常弾Normal S Lv3-Medium
Para S Lv1LV1 麻痺弾Para S Lv1-Medium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Raw Meat生肉Raw Meat-Medium
Portable Spit携帯肉焼きセットPortable Spit-Medium
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 ptsLow
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sonic Bomb音爆弾Sonic Bomb-LowInfinite
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsLow
Book of Combos 1調合書①入門編Book of Combos 1-Medium
Book of Combos 2調合書②初級編Book of Combos 2-Medium
Book of Combos 3調合書③中級編Book of Combos 3-Medium
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsMedium
Fishing Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Pickaxe Fishピッケル活魚Pickaxe Fish100 ptsMediumInfinite
Pin TunaハリマグロPin Tuna-Low
Area 8
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsMedium4~5
Bright MushroomマブシイタケBright Mushroom800 ptsMedium
Old PickaxeボロピッケルOld Pickaxe-Medium
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Cephalos WtrmelnガレオスイカCephalos Watermelon600 ptsHigh3
Cephadrome MelonドスガレオスイカCephadrome Melon5000 ptsMedium
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
GldBladelessHndl刃のない黄金の柄Gold Bladeless Handle200 ptsMedium2~3
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
Dragonite (L)竜石【大】Dragonite(L)500 ptsMedium
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 ptsMedium
Bug Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Rathian Fly竜虫【雌】Rathian Fly300 ptsMedium10
Rathalos Fly竜虫【雄】Rathalos Fly100 ptsMedium
Cricket of TroyヘレンオケラーCricket of Troy500 ptsMedium
GiantStagBeetleオオオクワガタGrand Beetle800 ptsLow
Area 9
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Pierce S Lv1LV1 貫通弾Pierce S Lv1-MediumInfinite
Pierce S Lv2LV2 貫通弾Pierce S Lv2-Medium
Pierce S Lv3LV3 貫通弾Pierce S Lv3-Medium
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙Velociprey Fang-Low
Wyvern Grass竜草Wyvern Grass100 ptsLow
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Power Coating強撃ビンPowerCoating-Medium15~20
Poison S Lv1LV1 毒弾Poison S Lv1-Medium
ParalysisCoating麻痺ビンPara Coating-Medium
Wyvernshroom竜茸Wyvernshroom200 ptsLow
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Sonic Bomb音爆弾Sonic Bomb-Medium5
Lg Barrel-Bomb大タル爆弾Lg Barrel-Bomb-Medium
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Medium
Shock Trapシビレ罠Shock Trap-Low
DragokuriumドラコクルムアイDragokurium500 ptsLow
Bright MushroomマブシイタケBright Mushroom800 ptsLow
Gathering Point 4Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Armor Pill忍耐の丸薬Armor Pill-Medium4~5
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 ptsMedium
Mega Demondrug鬼人薬グレートMega Demondrug-Medium
Hndlelss Gld Bld柄のない黄金の刃Handless Gold Blade300 ptsLow
Area 10
Gathering Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Hard Dragonrock堅竜岩Hard Dragonrock4000 ptsMedium1
Eldr Drgn Fossil古龍の化石Elder Dragon Fossil9000 ptsMedium
Gathering Point 2Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Poison Coating毒ビンPoisonCoatng-MediumInfinite
Poison S Lv1LV1 毒弾Poison S Lv1-Medium
ParalysisCoating麻痺ビンPara Coating-Medium
Para S Lv1LV1 麻痺弾Para S Lv1-Medium
Gathering Point 3Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Power Juice強走薬Power Juice-Medium1~2
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-Medium
Mining Point 1Unite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsChancesFrequency
Pure Wyvern Ore竜輝石Pure Wyvern Ore300 ptsMedium5~6
Wyvern Ore竜鉱石Wyvern Ore100 ptsMedium
DragokuriumドラコクルムアイDragokurium500 ptsMedium
Sekumaeya PearlセクメーアパールSekumaeya Pearl1000 ptsLow
Hndlelss Gld Bld柄のない黄金の刃Handless Gold Blade300 ptsLow
Cephadrome MelonドスガレオスイカCephadrome Melon5000 ptsLow
MonstersUnite NamesItems in KanjiPatch NamesPointsCarves% ChanceUnite Shiny DropKanji Shiny Drop2g Shiny DropPoints% Chance
ApcerosWell-Done Steakこんがり肉Well-Done Steak-250%
Raw Meat生肉Raw Meat-30%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts15%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts5%
CephalosCephalos Roe魚竜の白子Cephalos Roe700 pts170%
Old Bugnetボロ虫あみOld Bugnet-20%
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 pts10%
GenpreyRaw Meat生肉Raw Meat-130%
Old PickaxeボロピッケルOld Pickaxe-20%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts20%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts15%
Dragonite (L)竜石【大】Dragonite(L)500 pts10%
Dragonrock竜岩Dragonrock2000 pts5%
Daimyo HermitaurDaimyo Legs盾蟹のボウニクDaimyo legs2000 pts360%Hermitaur BrainsザザミソブイHermitaur Brains3000 pts100%
Hermitaur BrainsザザミソブイHermitaur Brains3000 pts35%
Daimyo Jewel盾蟹の秘玉Daimyo Jewel18000 pts5%
Small Wyvernfish竜魚【小】Small Wyvernfish100 pts40%
Med Wyvernfish竜魚【中】Med Wyvernfish300 pts25%
Large Wyvernfish竜魚【大】Lrg Wyvernfish500 pts5%
HermitaurDragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts 130%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts25%
Power Seed怪力の種Power Seed-20%
Armor Seed忍耐の種Armor Seed-20%
Dragonite (L)竜石【大】Dragonite(L)500 pts5%
Gourmet Steakこんがり肉GGourmet Steak-25%
Dragonite (S)竜石【小】Dragonite(S)100 pts 25%
Dragonite (M)竜石【中】Dragonite(M)300 pts15%