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Chat/Quote #145 +(214)-
ZackVixACD: I cooked some rice
ZackVixACD: and I am eating it.
ZackVixACD: ... wanna puke X(
Chat/Quote #257 +(147)-
<Ryuko>: According to my girlfriend, only gay people can teleport.
<Cleric>: How does that work?
<Ryuko>: idk
***Cleric turns gay
<Cleric>: I still can't teleport
<Ryuko>: well she's obv wrong
<Cleric>: Tell her that. >:/
***Cleric turns back
Chat/Quote #333 +(114)-
can i use HV for play anothers online games on ppsspp besides MH?
Chat/Quote #340 +(112)-
D I A N I E ⚜: I can't go home now but no job for me lel
Chat/Quote #34 +(111)-
Biscuit: some guy is talking to me on msn but idk wtf he is
Biscuit: :/
DyrimTW: tell him to sod off
DyrimTW: like the wanker he is
Jask: Start cybering with him.
Biscuit: but he knows who i am
Biscuit: and like
Jask: He'll leave you alone if you keep at it long enough
Biscuit: :/
Biscuit: k jask's advice worked
Biscuit: he's gone now
Chat/Quote #161 +(108)-
[01:26] Ryuko: "What will Magikarp do?" GODDAMN NOTHING, LIKE USUAL.
Chat/Quote #241 +(105)-
***Xlol glomps Reid, Vesuvius, Bot, Shirt, GeneStarwind, Frogore, Golgaman, Mandabear, mib_reuhc7, Mr_Popo, nosrevelk, Quel, Raviente, Soft, Venocx, and ZackVixACD
<Xlol>: :D
<ZackVixACD>: nick spamming?
Xlol left the room (quit: Quit: night Reid Vesuvius Bot Shirt GeneStarwind Frogore Golgaman Mandabear mib_reuhc7 Mr_Popo nosrevelk Quel Raviente Soft Vesuvius ZackVixACD).
Chat/Quote #179 +(103)-
(09:12:51 PM) HotGamerMum: hi hi
(09:12:57 PM) HotGamerMum: why are you here when you are doing homework
(09:13:12 PM) GC|Homework: 'cause it's hard
Chat/Quote #131 +(103)-
Zanco: what's the new best porn video on the internet now?
Chat/Quote #200 +(95)-
MumsWrath_ is now known as MumsWrath
* MumsWrath is now known as Guest29224
* Guest29224 is now known as MumsWrath_
* MumsWrath_ is now known as MumsWrath
<DragoValhar> Uh oh, Kids bot got broke.
* MumsWrath is now known as Guest38695
* Guest38695 is now known as MumsWrath_
* MumsWrath_ is now known as MumsWrath
Chat/Quote #36 +(93)-
Croda: I'm bored
Jask: me too.
Jask: Wanna fuck shit up?
Croda: yes btw
Chat/Quote #96 +(90)-
<Jask>: Hey Wapa, you legal over there?
<wapaloola>: for sex? no
<Jask>: Know what would make it even better, Wapa? If to get there, you had gay anal sex in public in a region where gay sex is illegal.
Chat/Quote #262 +(87)-
HotGamerMum: the navi in the forums change too
ZackVixACD: the navi?
ZackVixACD: navigation?
Ryuko: HEY
HotGamerMum: yup
***TheSeraph stabs Ryuko
Chat/Quote #101 +(87)-
Jask: The thing about bisexuals is they'll stick their hand down a persons pants and be happy with whateeeeever they find.
ZackVixACD: it is called broadening your choice, Jask
SoulG: Or your anus
SoulG: Broadening your anus
Rensei: LOL
HotGamerMum: ....
Jask: Done that. Good times.
Chat/Quote #255 +(86)-
Arayu: Maybe if I get Pants pregnant I'll get laid. :o
Chat/Quote #47 +(83)-
Amzo: Whose's the irc whore around here?
Amzo: I need some hawt cyber.
Jask: That would be tm
DyrimTW: tm10
Chat/Quote #86 +(82)-
Bot: [HotGamerMum] Q: What are girls made of? A: Pussies and bewbs to attract the dudes. Q: What are guys made of? A: Balls and dicks to con the chicks.
Chat/Quote #118 +(75)-
*** Jask has changed the topic on channel #socb to Emos emos everywhere, and not a drop of bloo- Oh hell, it's everywhere. Jake, get the mop!.
<Kogath> Nice
<&Jenna> Who's Jake!?
<&Jask> Eh, first name to come to my mind
<&Jask> Our janitor?
<&Jenna> Kewlio
<&Jenna> Bet he's got awesome stories.
<&Jask> I dunno if you'd call mopping up blood, sweat, lube, and semen an awesome story
<&Jenna> i would
<&Jenna> how wouldn't that be an awesome story!?
Chat/Quote #150 +(69)-
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> I am about to upgrade my phone
<wapaloola> Everyones english dies now and then.
<&Ryuko> upgrade
<&Ryuko> how?
<light-sandy> my dad has one too... And I'm showing signs of......*shiver...
* Adalet pats sandy on the back
<wapaloola> We will help you through this difficult period, Cleric.
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> motorla clit
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> err Cliq
Chat/Quote #59 +(69)-
<tm10> TheSlayerSystem (17 hours ago)
<tm10> Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam
<tm10> attention all mhnoodles fans, check us? out were are better them him rofl pl0x!!!!
<Biscuit> oh man
<Biscuit> you bout to get unsubscribed
<tm10> i no
<Biscuit> by like 3000 people
<tm10> I know, his message was really convincing. Even I unsubscribed from myself.

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