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Chat/Quote #59 +(69)-
<tm10> TheSlayerSystem (17 hours ago)
<tm10> Remove | Block User | Spam Marked as spam
<tm10> attention all mhnoodles fans, check us? out were are better them him rofl pl0x!!!!
<Biscuit> oh man
<Biscuit> you bout to get unsubscribed
<tm10> i no
<Biscuit> by like 3000 people
<tm10> I know, his message was really convincing. Even I unsubscribed from myself.

Chat/Quote #150 +(69)-
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> I am about to upgrade my phone
<wapaloola> Everyones english dies now and then.
<&Ryuko> upgrade
<&Ryuko> how?
<light-sandy> my dad has one too... And I'm showing signs of......*shiver...
* Adalet pats sandy on the back
<wapaloola> We will help you through this difficult period, Cleric.
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> motorla clit
<Work|MonthOLDpickle> err Cliq

Chat/Quote #251 +(65)-
<Nya> Real men are having sex right now!

Chat/Quote #117 +(60)-
Freakonature00: what time is it in canada now
TheSeraph: tiger time

Chat/Quote #135 +(60)-
*** Seamus joined #socb
19:15 Adalet: I masturbate to cats.
19:15 Mr_Popo: that doesnt really count, jask...
19:15 Adalet: Seamus enters at all the wrong times.
19:15 Mr_Popo: what a great entrance for seamus, no?
19:15 *** gackto quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
19:15 Seamus: I always pick interesting times to come in.
19:15 Jask: That's softcore, isn't it, Popo?
19:15 Ryuko: And I can imagine what seamus is thinking now

Chat/Quote #55 +(60)-
<tm10> The chat quotes on that site are terrible. The only good ones are from the old #socb. That place really did go to shit like everyone said when we left.

Chat/Quote #66 +(60)-
Redpug987 [[email protected]] entered the room.
Redpug987: FUCK ASS FUCKS!!!!
mode (+b *!* by Jask
ZackVixACD: he is still in the room
ZackVixACD: I am waited for a very original message in your kick Jask
Morgene: He can't talk or anything
Jask: I figured I'd let him sit and watch for a short time
Redpug987 left the room (Kicked by Jask (very original)).

Chat/Quote #248 +(57)-
<Anon>: yeah, if you rape them and they end up enjoying it, that's called unrape

Chat/Quote #164 +(57)-
***MonthOLDpickle fapfapdap
Jesus: dap?
Jask|cleaning: dap?
MonthOLDpickle: penis hitting the floor

Chat/Quote #149 +(56)-
Work|MonthOLDpickle: motorla clit
Work|MonthOLDpickle: err Cliq

Chat/Quote #116 +(55)-
thraadash /whois Ghostcat | Reply from mIRC: I don't have a God Damned idea....

Chat/Quote #136 +(54)-
<Adalet> Hey WANDER
<Butthurt> inb4nigger
<Adalet> You're a fucking NIGGER.
<Jaded> Maiden > bot
* Wandermeyer sets mode: +b *!*@428E5C17.E36FE25C.14E6DA79.IP
<Kite> nice butthurt
<Kite> that was good timing
* Adalet was kicked by Wandermeyer (cool)

Chat/Quote #250 +(54)-
<Ryuko>: Dude, this an amazing idea: Build a structure that spans the entire equator, then knock out the supports so that it floats above the surface of the planet. People get on at one point, the earth rotates under them, and they get off somewhere else.

Chat/Quote #103 +(54)-
<MonthOLDpickle>: penis
<thraadash>: I don't get it.
<thraadash>: What's so fun about mentioning the male genital?
<thraadash>: Why not say something more soothing to the mouth, like, "Perpendicular".

Chat/Quote #157 +(53)-
<%Jecht> This hand of mine is burning red!
<%Jecht> It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory!
<%Jecht> Erupting...Jecht..Finger!!!
* %Jecht Triumphant Grasps Paladin
* %Jecht ex bursts
<%Jecht> C'mon c'mon c'mon! Let's go!
*** Jecht kicked Paladin from the channel: 9999
<Cleric> holy shit that was ovar 9000

Chat/Quote #91 +(53)-
[23:01:44] <hisilthur> ANSWER THE QUESTIOHN
[23:01:51] <Shinryuu> [23:00:52] <Shinryuu> THEN NO, YOU CAN'T PLAY ONLINE
[23:01:51] <hisilthur> pls
[23:01:51] <Shinryuu> [23:00:52] <Shinryuu> THEN NO, YOU CAN'T PLAY ONLINE
[23:01:52] <Shinryuu> [23:00:52] <Shinryuu> THEN NO, YOU CAN'T PLAY ONLINE
[23:01:52] <Arayu|AFK> SHUT THE FUCK UP, HIS
[23:01:54] <Arayu|AFK> WE DID
[23:01:59] <Arayu|AFK> TWENTY FUCKING TIME
[23:01:59] <Arayu|AFK> S
[23:02:01] <hisilthur> HOWWWWWWWWWWWWW
[23:02:10] <Shinryuu> GO AWAY
[23:02:13] <hisilthur> oo
[23:02:15] <Nelo> LOL

Chat/Quote #170 +(53)-
<Kitsune> so sorry that you are so impatient and expect us to hold your hand. it doesent work that way.
<MinorVaginor> I thought this was #help, not #wedonthelpatall'

Chat/Quote #144 +(52)-
Work|MonthOLDpickle: man I can't wait for kids =S
Work|MonthOLDpickle: so they can grow up and tell me they hate my guts

Chat/Quote #42 +(51)-
Jask: tm, those bastards crashed my Firefox.
tm10: Ban them. Ban them all.

Chat/Quote #320 +(50)-
(Betaray) I'm kinda bored, any idea of something to watch or anything?
(HunsterBot_) Hey BetaRay!
(HunsterBot_) Beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta, beta!
HunsterBot_) Please all of you, help me MAKE BETARAY ALPHA AGAIN! IT IS GONNA BE HARD BUT WE CAN.
(HunsterBot_) Please all of you, help me MAKE BETARAY ALPHA AGAIN! IT IS GONNA BE HARD BUT WE CAN.
(HunsterBot_) Please all of you, help me MAKE BETARAY ALPHA AGAIN! IT IS GONNA BE HARD BUT WE CAN.
(Betaray) there can't be an "again" because I never was
(leeor_net) I'm slightly confused.
(Betaray) just roll with it
(leeor_net) I can do that

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