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Chat/Quote #43 +(49)-
AdmiredFob: yao
AdmiredFob: yap
AdmiredFob: lol embargo
maxninja: he was gonna say yaoi
maxninja: cus he gay
Corona: ya i know
maxninja: RUFFLE
maxninja: 1
Jask: Hey Fob, you missed it, there was a yaoi night at fanime. You'd have loved it.
AdmiredFob: idk wtf a yaoi is :/
Corona: that makes me feel like killing myself
AdmiredFob: omg
AdmiredFob: dick
Jask: Haha! Please tell me you just googled "yaoi"

Chat/Quote #245 +(48)-
*** ShotaBot|[email protected] kicked ZackVixACD from the channel: I'm TIRED of these MOTHER FUCKIN' ZACKVIXACD"s on my MOTHER FUCKIN' CHOO CHOO TRAIN. Fuck shit nigger damn cunt.

Chat/Quote #193 +(46)-
<Ryuko>: Obviously, video games are at fault here. They failed to teach this kid how to disarm a drunk knife-wielding nanny."
<DragoValhar>: He didn't play enough assassins creed
<DragoValhar>: counter that bitch and stab her in the neck
<ZackVixACD>: yeah, he should have presses his built-in R1+Square at the right moment

Chat/Quote #123 +(45)-
EmperorKosh: fuck
EmperorKosh: my
EmperorKosh: life
EmperorKosh: ...
EmperorKosh: amen.
zhukant|laptop: Amen
Zanco: Amen

Chat/Quote #162 +(45)-
Cleric: goomba + mario = kinky jumpsex
ZackVixACD: pr0n gif > pr0n vid
jfromeo: pr0n jpg > pr0n gif > pr0n vid > real pr0n
Ryuko: ascii pr0n > pr0n jpg > pr0n gif > pr0n vid > real pr0n
jfromeo: hello kitty > ascii pr0n > pr0n jpg > pr0n gif > pr0n vid > real pr0n
ZackVixACD: damn I forgot that you guys were sicker than I was.

Chat/Quote #258 +(43)-
<&tm10> In Philosophy everyone and their mother has their own take on different words.
<Mr_Popo> wouldnt their mother be included in "Everyone"?
<&tm10> Women aren't people, you idiot.

Chat/Quote #134 +(42)-
AgentFriedTofu: Jask
AgentFriedTofu: is a godly entity
Kevan: ZOMG wheres my saviour
Adalet: Sleeping, probably.

Chat/Quote #338 +(41)-
#support channel
- alguien habla espanol?
- how to connect?
- help i can't connect!
- alguien habla espanol? :v
- ! ip
- hi guys i have a problem (remain unsolved)
- alguien habla espanol? :V

Chat/Quote #89 +(38)-
Work|||MonthOLDpickle: what exactly is blogging
Ninjarayu: It's like writing in a girly journal
Ninjarayu: But let everyone on the internet see it
Ninjarayu: And then get really pissed when they read it.

Chat/Quote #82 +(38)-
DragoValhar: He had some maretto Mum.. Must be some powerful shit if it made him type like that.
Seamus: amaretto...
Seamus: You must not drink much.
DragoValhar: Seamus, I dont drink, like at all.
Seamus: ...god you people suck.
ZackVixACD[QuoteMode]: tell your liver that in 20 years
Kogath|MH3: Eh, I got two of em, right?

Chat/Quote #263 +(37)-
*** HotGamerMum quit (Quit: To hell with you gays!)

Chat/Quote #81 +(35)-
ZackVixACD: I see two #socb chat now
UglyGypceros: O.o
Wandermeyer: Man, and I thought you had an excuse...
Prime223: lol
UglyGypceros: It's the EVIL SOCB
ZackVixACD: :O
ZackVixACD: ah no wonder. Wandermeyer was nice to me over there

Chat/Quote #146 +(35)-
ZackVixACD: THIS: is scary
ZackVixACD: try to waTCH THE whole thing, you will be like "WTF!!!!!!!!!"
DarkCobraSK: that's a guy. . .
DarkCobraSK: creppy. . .
DarkCobraSK: creepy*
DarkCobraSK: WTF o_O
DarkCobraSK: WTF >_<
DarkCobraSK: WTF WTF WTF!!!!
Prime223: Nope seems deadly.
DarkCobraSK: X_X
ZackVixACD: lol

Chat/Quote #53 +(33)-

16:43 Jask Apparently I forgot that you existed, Gawi.

Chat/Quote #126 +(33)-
Jask: My throat is unhappy :(
Adalet: Then stop sucking cock.
Adalet: Deep throating is bad for your throat, Jask.

Chat/Quote #190 +(29)-
[11:14] <Ace_Demon> hello
[11:15] <SoulG> Hello
[11:16] <-- Ace_Demon has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[11:17] <Cleric> that was quick
[11:18] <thraadash> He knew who the real demon was.
[11:18] <thraadash> And left quickly.

Chat/Quote #318 +(29)-
<Betaray> my dad just called asking me how to disabled his popup blocker, I asked him what browser he is using and he said "google or yahoo"
<Betaray> god damnit

Chat/Quote #29 +(27)-
Aintaer: As the last op you should wield your powers with impunity and irresponsibility.
*** Aintaer has been kicked from #socb by Jask: Really?

Chat/Quote #181 +(26)-
(09:50:25 PM) MonthOLDpickle: I am watching the civil war on ESPN HD
(09:50:28 PM) MonthOLDpickle: crystal clear hehe
(09:50:49 PM) GC|Homework: they had video cameras during the civil war?

Chat/Quote #168 +(25)-
wapaloola: get kaze here to tell him some MW2 spoilers.
wapaloola: Sparks will fly.
Jaded: wapa
Jaded: unignore kaze
wapaloola: Why
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> Hi!
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> Tell Wapa to unignore me.
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> >:|
wapaloola: Not until I get my MW2 kaze >=(

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