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Chat/Quote #168 +(25)-
wapaloola: get kaze here to tell him some MW2 spoilers.
wapaloola: Sparks will fly.
Jaded: wapa
Jaded: unignore kaze
wapaloola: Why
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> Hi!
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> Tell Wapa to unignore me.
Jaded: <Adalet|AFK> >:|
wapaloola: Not until I get my MW2 kaze >=(

Chat/Quote #261 +(25)-
[HotGamerMum] "I'm never having kids. I hear they take 9 months to download."

Chat/Quote #232 +(25)-
<giascle>: Silly Microsoft, no one cares if the upgrades could make it more powerful than the Pentagon. Unless it looks new, it is inferior.
<Nymous>: I heard they are gonna add a new and more powerful RROD...

Chat/Quote #159 +(25)-
[HotGamerMum] PSP = Permanent Sex Partner

Chat/Quote #264 +(24)-
<KazeNurite>: What're some good google chrome extensions?
<Ryuko>: firefox

Chat/Quote #65 +(23)-
**SoulG is now known as RapeG
***RapeG plays sexually with Griz
***RapeG rapes randomly at the chatters
***Andra parries the attack, and counters with Pyramid Head Buttsechs
***Jus counters Pyramid Head Buttsechs with 1 Terrabyte of tentacle pr0n
Andra left the room (Ok, I'm dying here.).

Chat/Quote #171 +(21)-
[20:50] <ZackVixACD> FUCK MY CAR!
[20:52] <@Leprechaun> ask tm10, he will gladly fuck it

Chat/Quote #223 +(18)-
<ZackVixACD> some fucked up bots keep on doing shit on hunstermonter. I don't want to build a kaptcha because I don't want users to be slowed down by it when they submit shit, and i don't want to hold submissions because I want the chat quotes to go online right away >:/ Grrr!!! and the builders of those bots think I am stupid and am using BBcode or I am even enabling Html codes.
<Cleric> hmmm... should i watch jaws 2?
<HotGamerMum> why your site?
<ZackVixACD> I don't know :/ I don't even think it is that popular. I mainly have it for my own entertainment >:/
<HotGamerMum> weird
<Cleric> c'mon... of course it's popular, i've posted a couple of things on there
<Cleric> i've probably posted more on there than i have on the forums... ever
<ZackVixACD> lol
<ZackVixACD> Now I need to think of a way of getting rid fo them. Obviously ip bans isn't the way to go as they are changing those
<Cleric> double murder suicide?
<ZackVixACD> look at this shit?
<ZackVixACD> double murder suicide?
<Cleric> yeah, why not
<ZackVixACD> okay, that's what I will do. I will have to use myself as admin and not let quotes go online yet.
<Cleric> ouch
<ZackVixACD> what's double murder suicide?
<Cleric> that'll be time consuming
<Cleric> when you kill 2 people and kill yourself
<ZackVixACD> oh
<ZackVixACD> alright, or I will do that. I will enable proxy blocking like I had before.
<ZackVixACD> I only disabled that because of thraadash >:/

Chat/Quote #141 +(15)-
ZackVixACD: ... wow 4 people
ZackVixACD: oh wait... that's just Mr_Popo
NotJask: hurr?
NotJask: i aint that fat

Chat/Quote #95 +(13)-
<Seamus>Sorry I called you a bitch yesterday, I didn't actually mean it.

Chat/Quote #113 +(12)-
samuel: lol my grandma just added me as a friend on facebook

Chat/Quote #78 +(12)-
Jask: My jizz is like cocaine. One taste and you'll do anything for me.
Jask: That was fucking horrible.
Jask: tm, kick me. I deserve it for that one
Jask left the room (Kicked by tm10 (tm10)).
Jask [[email protected]] entered the room.
Jask: Thank you
tm10: np bro

Chat/Quote #133 +(12)-
* VioletKIRA ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<&Jask> Aw. Bye bye Kira.
<&Jask> She didn't even say bye...
<@asp> byeee
<@asp> there
<@asp> I said it for her
<&Ryuko> you cant
<&Ryuko> thats like putting words in her mouth
<Mr_Popo> and we all know nobody likes having things put in their mouth
<Mr_Popo> except jask, i guess
<&Ryuko> maybe she had a reaso-
<&Ryuko> ...
<&Jask> Hey, lots of people enjoy that.
<&Jask> In the physical sense. The metaphoric sense, not many people.

Chat/Quote #238 +(12)-
Frogore: For all we know there could be a raid on the WIKI and not the chat. Picture waking up tomorrow and there be gay dinosaur sex gifs on every page

Chat/Quote #128 +(11)-
HotGamerMum: time for me to go sexing..
HotGamerMum: be back later
***HotGamerMum is now away: Sexing

Chat/Quote #30 +(10)-
Jask: Actually, you're right. some buttons are worth pushing, like this one...
*** You're not a channel operator!
MakaiElite: >_>
*** You're not a channel operator!
Jask:, there's egg on my face
burlynate: *waits*
Ryuko: ur slow!
Jask: Apparently I forgot to do something important
tm10: Hahaha, you idiot.
MakaiElite: >_>
MakaiElite: XD
burlynate: thats splooge
burlynate: not egg
*** Mode change "+h Jask" for channel #socb by ChanServ.
tm10: You're not op/hop
tm10: Oh shi~
Jask: Haha, whoops

Chat/Quote #88 +(10)-
<Weegee> SHIT

Chat/Quote #183 +(10)-
[15:37] <KazeNurite> Well stop humming what your humming.
[15:38] <KazeNurite> And sing hooker like a penis.
[15:38] <KazeNurite> HOOKER LIKE A PENIS

Chat/Quote #120 +(8)-
DyrimTW: whos experinced with paypal?
***Ghostcat waves
DyrimTW: k some one halp
Ghostcat: you can't use it to buy porn

Chat/Quote #237 +(8)-
<Cleric> omg... my connection just fixed itself
<Ryuko> yay?
<Ryuko> wait, does that mean that your connection is the world's first self aware self sustaining ai?
<Cleric> i think so
<Cleric> go optus
<Cleric> decent speed!
<KidImposter> it's a lie
<Cleric> i might watch a youtube video!
<KidImposter> it's faking it
<Cleric> you try telling it that
<Cleric> it'll probably kill you and take over the world
<Cleric> D= it's reading everything we say!
<Cleric> we're doomed
<Ryuko> unplug it
<Ryuko> it'll die
<Cleric> I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Ryuko.
<Ryuko> sup HAL
<Cleric> World Domination.

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