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Chat/Quote #75 +(7)-
—› join: (Arayu|Sleep) ([email protected])
(TheSeraph) first there was sleepwalking
(TheSeraph) now sleepchatting
Chat/Quote #155 +(6)-
Adalet: Save me.
Adalet: I just went to take a bite of my hamburger
Adalet: And my aunt Amber is trying to force me to say prayer.
Adalet: The atheist in me wants to scream. "GOD. IS A LOAD. OF SHIT. HE DOESN'T EXIST. AND JESUS IS DEAD."
Chat/Quote #45 +(5)-
ZackVixACD: I am watching a documentary on TV about crashes
ZackVixACD: and I was just thinking about posting a comment ...
ZackVixACD: then I realized .. it is tv... :/
ZackVixACD: damn you Youtube
Chat/Quote #111 +(5)-
Lev: yawn is like fart for your mouth
Chat/Quote #196 +(5)-
Popo|AHP: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Popo|AHP left the room (Kicked by MumsWrath (Letter repeats detected, do not use excess consecutive letters. (25+ consecutive f's) :: - Banned - 42)).
HotGamerMum: kid, leave that alone
Jask: I do too, Dash
HotGamerMum: i want that
Chat/Quote #139 +(4)-
<Mr_Popo> hey...
<Mr_Popo> is this mean?
<Mr_Popo> <F|ExpectingAFlood> brb watching flood happen
<Mr_Popo> <@Mr_Popo> kewl
<Mr_Popo> <@Mr_Popo> film it
<Mr_Popo> <@Mr_Popo> and send it to bis
<Mr_Popo> <asd> lol
<Mr_Popo> <@Mr_Popo> so he can put on livestream
<Mr_Popo> <@Mr_Popo> and people will watch again
* Mr_Popo was kicked by Bot (Stop flooding!)
Chat/Quote #197 +(4)-
BaltoTheSeaman: so she told me "I know why you are doing this. You just want to get in my pants and do it with me", and I look straight in her eyes with the most serious romantic look and reply "You are wrong. I want to do get in your pants more than once"
Chat/Quote #173 +(3)-
[17:40] <@Corona>Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap?
[17:40] <~Biscuit> DUNNO
[17:40] <sososcary> johnny appleseed
[17:40] <Mr_Popo> babe motherfucking ruth
[17:40] <@Corona> Here's your 1st hint: bab_ ____
[17:40] <~Biscuit> babe ruth
[17:40] <@Corona> Winner: Biscuit Answer: babe ruth Time:6 13. Streak:6 214 Points:6 WPM:6 Rank:1st
[17:40] <Mr_Popo> babe ruth
[17:40] <~Biscuit> ty
[17:40] <Mr_Popo> no fucking way
[17:40] <~Biscuit> srsly
[17:41] <Mr_Popo> i jsut said that randomly
Chat/Quote #243 +(3)-
<ZackVixACD>: my friend plugged in his 360 after couple of months, and guess what happened?
<KazeNurite>: RRoD
<Arayu>: It RRoD'd?
<KidImposter>: RROD
<ZackVixACD>: yeah
<KazeNurite>: lololol
<Seamus>: I was gonna guess that it burst into flame.
Chat/Quote #156 +(2)-
<Prime223> Brutal Legend is epic
<SoulG> Butt love is also epic
<Prime223> soulG no.....
<SoulG> It is. Wanna try?
<Prime223> :/ wtf no
<SoulG> aww
* LittleFox has joined #socb
<LittleFox> Do
<LittleFox> do do do do
Chat/Quote #124 +(1)-
SoulG: I honestly like the look of Zack
SoulG: I mean, er...ps3 slim, yeah
SoulG: PS3! I said PS3!
Chat/Quote #178 +(1)-
<AdmiredFob> I'm really lazy to train
<ZackVixACD> train in real life?
<AdmiredFob> no, train in pokemanz
<ZackVixACD> oh man :/
<ZackVixACD> I have wasted so much precious time doing that.
<ZackVixACD> could have been fapping all that time
Chat/Quote #229 +(-2)-
***thraadash facepalms
***SexyG buttpalms
Chat/Quote #152 +(-3)-
<Adalet> Hey Seamus, want a snowball?
<Seamus> No thanks, adalet
<Mudkip> Seamus, care for some teabagging?
<Seamus> Once again, no thanks.
<Adalet> Is it the coconut Seamus?
<Adalet> The consistency of the coconut? Would you just rather have.. A twinkie?
<Mr_Popo> G, want some buttsecks?
<&Jask> Don't think I've tried snowballing. Wouldn't mind trying though.
<&Jask> BJ and kissing, I get two awesome things.
<Adalet> ...
<Adalet> I meant... the.. Hostess snack.. Snowball...
<&Jask> Oh, right. I'd forgotten about those
<&Jask> Only had them once or twice
<Mr_Popo> lol
* Adalet walks away twitching
Chat/Quote #80 +(-4)-
<&thraadash> PORN is a good concentration Method, Fanny.
Chat/Quote #143 +(-4)-
Jask: It's like how some people like regular milk better, and some like chocolate milk better.
HotGamerMum: breastmilk?
Jask: That totally wasn't a racial comment, Mum.
croda: no, that's an interracial metaphor jask
HotGamerMum: ...
croda: cuz margerine comes in a tub and butter is in a stick =)
Chat/Quote #195 +(-5)-
KidImposter: !google is gone
KidImposter: niggerfuckshitdamn
Chat/Quote #236 +(-5)-
Chat/Quote #194 +(-6)-
<Popo|Thinking>: i have a question
<Popo|Thinking>: if dumbledore was gay
<Popo|Thinking>: would that mean that snape is guilty of a hate crime?
Chat/Quote #127 +(-7)-
ZackVixACD: heya people
ZackVixACD: does anyone play guitar here?
dyudt: no
dyudt: but my brother does
dyudt: but ive been playin drums since i was like 11
ratchild: I play cd's - I used to play tapes but I'm out of practice
ZackVixACD: oh god, you are so useless :/

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