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Chat/Quote #148 +(-8)-
<Mr_Popo> i plan to live on sperm bank donations

Chat/Quote #172 +(-8)-
[23:55] <VioletKIRA> What is DyrimTW's Faggot hour?
[23:55] <Ryuko> im too coo for schoo
[23:55] <Mr_Popo> lol
[23:56] <Mr_Popo> his stream
[23:56] <&DyrimTW> Me streaming MH
[23:56] <Jask> It's when Dyrim streams himself singing love songs for tm10.

Chat/Quote #316 +(-8)-
ZackVixACD: Yes, the great Zack himself is back
Laverden: oh man
Laverden: Zack!
ZackVixACD: Yes!
CreepyRpg: oh man zack is here
CreepyRpg: lets get out
CreepyRpg: >:(

Chat/Quote #94 +(-9)-
ZackVixACD: let's all stop talking until Mom goes to bed
HotGamerMum: is will not work zacky...
*** Mode change "+m" for channel #socb by Jask.
HotGamerMum: other days?
Jask: sure it will

Chat/Quote #50 +(-12)-
<gnsnprwldwsl> Anyone here into cars ?
<%tm10> I've been into a car once. It was pretty sweet.
<Arayu> Yeah
<Arayu> I've been in a car or two
<gnsnprwldwsl> = ='
<gnsnprwldwsl> Sigh, IRC.

Chat/Quote #344 +(-12)-
Izaacs > are your balls made of pussy!?
❄Filxter❄ > What the fuck Izaacs
MightyZack > actually you know the skin of your balls is made of the same thing that the vage lips are made of
so yes, his balls are kind of made of pussy lips
Aeron Sor > I could have died
without that knowledge
and i wouldn't complain

Chat/Quote #39 +(-13)-
<Corona>: In New York 2 years ago, 200 monks decided to meditate in Time Square, and their goal was to reduce crime in the city by 25%
<Corona>: At first, they were made fun of by the police
<Corona>: After one week, they ended up getting support from the police
<Corona>: Because in one week, there was a 25% drop
<ZackVixACD>: damn Monks, they have a lot of mana
<TheSeraph>: do i get girls if i meditate in a shopping centre?

Chat/Quote #165 +(-13)-
thraadash: I have opened a piece of chocolate to see lots of white little worms in it.
DragoValhar:I'd suggest buying chocolate from someone other than that guy in the windowless van down by the river.

Chat/Quote #224 +(-13)-
<Cleric> i was on a friend's file and i threw a masterball at one of the elite 4's pokemon
<ZackVixACD> you wasted his masterball lol
<Cleric> he was soooo pissed
<Cleric> i was like... hmmm... catches anything eh

Chat/Quote #125 +(-15)-
Draconoob: omg just got back from jogging...gonna die..

Chat/Quote #142 +(-15)-
<Adalet> We're no strangers to love, you know the rules, and so do I! A commitments what I'm thinking of...
<Mr_Popo> kick him
<Mr_Popo> now
<Adalet> Rofl.
<Mr_Popo> please
<Mr_Popo> please
<Mr_Popo> please
<Mr_Popo> please
*** Bot kicked Mr_Popo from the channel: Stop flooding!
*** Mr_Popo has joined #socb
<Mr_Popo> lol
<Mr_Popo> irony
<Adalet> Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you down!

Chat/Quote #160 +(-15)-
[02:39] Bot: [HotGamerMum] I'll cum on you in one stroke

Chat/Quote #191 +(-15)-
[11:21] <Cleric> stop molesting our guests soul... wait til AFTER they're asleep
[11:22] <SoulG> But I didn´t do a thing!
[11:22] <thraadash> You said "hello".
[11:22] <thraadash> God enough.
[11:22] <thraadash> HAHAHAHAHAHAA
[11:22] <SoulG> Yes, I´m god

Chat/Quote #265 +(-15)-
<ZackVixACD>: DUMP
<Seamus>: Thanks for sharing, Zack

Chat/Quote #267 +(-15)-
ffha: I just installed a virus on my computer. It spammed pop-ups with naked ladies in them. I think I'm gonna go open it again.

Chat/Quote #28 +(-16)-
*** You are now known as Jesus.
God: Hello, my son.
Jesus: I hate you dad!
Jesus: Why do you always have to kill me!
God: I hate you too, you bastard child.
Jesus: You love your pet humans more than you love me!
God: Because you're a disgrace. How DARE you be nice and make people like me. I spent the whole fucking old testament killing bitches and shit and you fucked it all up with that "peace" shit. THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO FEAR ME! NOT LOVE ME!
Jesus: How could anyone love a horrible beast like you!
* Jesus runs to his room crying
God: Emo.
Lucifer: See, I told you he'd turn out to be a wuss if you sent him to Earth....
DyrimTW: Oh, excellent.
DyrimTW: I just choked on tea laughing at this.
DyrimTW: thnx u gaiz =D

Chat/Quote #33 +(-16)-
Jask: Hello all.
tm10: hi
tm10: i am the only one around
Jask: Well, it's just you and I then.
Jask: Shall we turn down the lights?
* tm10 puts on some Barry White
tm10: We shall.

Chat/Quote #84 +(-16)-
Zermuffin: Guys, I want you to know
Zermuffin: I don't want to be Arayu anymore.
Zermuffin: I wish to be Zermuffin
Seamus: ...why?
Kogath|MH3: Can I call you Zergmuffin?
Seamus: ^
Zermuffin: Becauze Zermuffin > Arayu
Zermuffin: No. It's just Zermuffin.
Seamus: Zergmuffin>Zermuffin
Kogath|MH3: But I like the sound of Zergmuffin...
Zermuffin: Pronounced Z-air-muff-en
Kogath|MH3: Z-urg-muff-en
Seamus: ...fuck that, you're Zergmuffin
Zermuffin: lol
Zermuffin: Okay, okay.
Zermuffin: Lurker? :D
Kogath|MH3: lol
Seamus: Eh, work your way up.
Seamus: Gotta start as a Drone.

Chat/Quote #132 +(-17)-
Jask: Fuck!
Jask: I lift up the toilet seat and there's a spider sitting on the edge of the bowl.
JMRV: Do you clean up your toilet?
Rensei: lol.

Chat/Quote #231 +(-18)-
<Ichiro>:"The Xbox 360 was designed for a long life, and I don’t even know if we’re at the midpoint yet."
<Ichiro>: Long life... Yet many died already...

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