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Chat/Quote #119 +(-19)-
tm10: Imagine she is a smarter me, who smokes a lot of pot and is really hot.
tm10: That would be her.
tm10: She is even a huge asshole.
DyrimTW: sounds like corona in woman form
aegilnet: tm10's dream girl then?

Chat/Quote #167 +(-19)-
Joao: Can't wait for Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks next month :D:D:D
Ryuko: I can >_>
ZackVixACD: wtf is that?
Ryuko: New LoZ for the DS
ZackVixACD: another Ganon-killing-Triforce-seeking-treasure-seeking game?
Ryuko: With trains!
Joao: Ahaha.
ZackVixACD: :O
ZackVixACD: well, that changes everything
ZackVixACD: I can't wait then.

Chat/Quote #49 +(-22)-
Cptmrrm: and i think im going to stop getting on this thing everytime i get on all i have is just one question but instead i always end up getting an answer and a penis

The good ol' days. . .

Chat/Quote #72 +(-23)-

Chat/Quote #109 +(-23)-
[20:45] <Ninjarayu> I wouldn't sleep with a sheep!
[20:46] <Pants> That almost sounds like a slogan they've put on a really fucked up PSA.
[20:46] <Ninjarayu> This is a new PSA
[20:46] <Pants> Is it against sleeping with sheep?
[20:46] <Andra> >:|
[20:46] <Andra> lol
[20:47] <Ninjarayu> We have discovered that smoking marijuana can sometimes lead to initiating sexual intercourse with odd beings/objects, such as sheep, tables, and pillows.
[20:47] <Ninjarayu> So please, remember the saying "I don't sleep with sheep," and avoid smoking marijuana.

Chat/Quote #147 +(-25)-
tm10: I HAD a beard twice the beard of his beard, and no vagina around my penis because of it
tm10: And I shave my pubes, just in case I get raped.
tm10: I like to be courteous to my lovers
tm10: No one likes a bush.

Chat/Quote #70 +(-27)-
Bot: [HotGamerMum] Q: What's Love? A: Something wonderful yet it hurts.
UglyGypceros: Wait
UglyGypceros: Bot.....
UglyGypceros: Fuck. No.

Chat/Quote #74 +(-27)-
—› nick: (Mr_Popo) is now known as (LegendaryVirgin)
(LegendaryVirgin) whoops sorry
(LegendaryVirgin) didnt know i was in her sttll
—› nick: (LegendaryVirgin) is now known as (Mr_Popo)

Chat/Quote #106 +(-27)-
tututututhjf: hi answer
Sully: hi answer
wapaloola: hi answer
*** Rayle joined #socb
wapaloola: hi rayle
Sully: hi rayle
tututututhjf: hi rayle
Rayle: hey guys
wapaloola: c-c-c-combo breaker

Chat/Quote #32 +(-28)-
AdmiredFob: As young as Jask is, he looks like a fucking 30 year old
AdmiredFob: or hotter
AdmiredFob: i mean
AdmiredFob: older
AdmiredFob: >_>
Jask: Thank you Fob, I'm flattered.
tm10: Freudian slip...

Chat/Quote #92 +(-31)-
WeeabooMoeGirl: Onii-Chan also didn't wear protection last night!
* WeeabooMoeGirl Stomps several times and makes a cute angry face
WeeabooMoeGirl: You came in my pooper!
ZackVixACD: it is okay. it is in the pooper, you won't get pregnant
ZackVixACD: Kaze... :| I am getting scared lol
Zangpakto: X_X

Chat/Quote #67 +(-33)-
TheRedHotAgitos: bouta say something you guys wont get but i need the translation
TheRedHotAgitos: Go fuck yourself with a spiked dildo you fucking faggot.
TheRedHotAgitos: DAMMIT
TheRedHotAgitos: didnt turn it on
Ghostcat: lol
Mizu[RftL]: Oh lawdy

Chat/Quote #158 +(-33)-
<LittleFox> Is it sad that we talk about buttsecks so much that google is advertising lubricant?

Chat/Quote #61 +(-34)-
Morgene: Is that on the quotes thing yet?
Ghostcat: ?
Morgene: Nevermind...

Chat/Quote #184 +(-34)-
<Jaded> I wear the skirt in the relationship :D

Chat/Quote #239 +(-36)-
<me>: I break my dry spells with some ultimate mega fapping xD

Chat/Quote #41 +(-38)-
Jask: I'm gay for men.
Jask: Especially Sev and Ryuko.
Jaded: ._.
Mavren: I'm fungus for men
Jask: Mav is a mushroom for Mario?
Mavren: D: mario will eat me!
Jaded: That's awkward.
Jask: Mario will eat you and become big.

Chat/Quote #40 +(-39)-
Von: I hate Ryuko :(
Ryuko: No you don't.
Von: Do too.
Ryuko: You like me, and it scares you.

Chat/Quote #163 +(-41)-
MonthOLDpickle: oh god girls
MonthOLDpickle: outside my house
MonthOLDpickle: fapfapfap
MonthOLDpickle: they aren't mormons
MonthOLDpickle: 16 year olds

Chat/Quote #48 +(-42)-
VioletKIRA: oh crap jask is back
* VioletKIRA puts clothes back on
tm10|fapping: Jask, get the fuck out, now.
Jask: Oh crap, Kira is back!
* Jask takes clothes back off

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