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Chat/Quote #114 +(-43)-
<professa>:It's a scientific fact that asian girls can unhinge their jaws in order to swallow things twice their own size.
Chat/Quote #27 +(-48)-
Ryuko: JASK
Ryuko: WE
Ryuko: ARE
*** Ryuko has been kicked from #socb by Maiden: Please Do Not Flood In This Channel, 10 Lines In 8 Seconds.
Chat/Quote #35 +(-48)-
SilverIceGale: ive known the greatest pleasure in my jask mum
SilverIceGale: WTF AM I SAYING
mrt: LOL
* SilverIceGale facepalms
SilverIceGale: GAWD
* SilverIceGale slams head onto desk repeatedly
Chat/Quote #331 +(-49)-
<Angus Blanchard (Welcome Bot)> Whats your ppsspp nick?
<kinto38(kinto/aiko)> it is version is 1.4.2
Chat/Quote #108 +(-50)-
<Frank>: FUCK I HAD THe worst dream last night
<Leviathan>: o rlyu
<Frank>: yeah, i dreamed that I was speaking English with a French accent
<Frank>: fuck that was horrible.
Chat/Quote #153 +(-53)-
<&thraadash> As much as some might find it amusing, I don't.
<MonthOLDpickle> ?
<&thraadash> The 2 of you will change your nicks.
<&thraadash> Now.
* HotGamerCum is now known as Mr_Popo
* Jask|grouping is now known as Jask
* Bot sets mode: +ao Jask Jask
<@Wandermeyer> I tried to tell them Mum wouldnt be amused >.>
* thraadash sets mode: +b HotSuckerMum!*@*
* HotSuckerMum was kicked by thraadash (thraadash)
Chat/Quote #63 +(-56)-
*** Morgene joined #socb
Ghostcat: =/
Morgene: What's going on in here?
Ghostcat: sex
Morgene: Awesome
wapaloola: and drugs
**Morgene takes clothes off
**Morgene pulls out used syringe
Morgene: Ready
Ghostcat: xD
Ghostcat: no rock and roll though
Morgene: ...
Morgene: You guys suck
**Morgene puts clothes back on
Chat/Quote #107 +(-58)-
Adalet: Pokemon is cock fighting for kids with less blood and no dead carved up chickens, and don't forget the screaming mexicans.
Chat/Quote #112 +(-61)-
<Rensei-HWK> plastic wrapped cheese slices such at micrp waving
Chat/Quote #122 +(-62)-
DragoValhar: I was driving home Christmas eve, saw a church sign with "Jesus, Gods gift to man." And blatantly stated out loud. "Too bad he got returned."
Chat/Quote #37 +(-63)-
<TheSeraph>: !@#$%^&*()_
<ZackVixACD>: !@#$%^&*()_ <-- Damn, what programing language is this? PissedOff++?
Chat/Quote #345 +(-63)-
Jamal: Every 60 seconds, a minute passes
Chat/Quote #180 +(-64)-
Jask: I'm a capricorn... I masturbate... shit, I do do goats.
Chat/Quote #259 +(-64)-
<TheSeraph> Cleric is hiding his boobs
<TheSeraph> don't worry, not telling ;)
* Cleric squeezes them together
<Cleric> Come and get 'em.
<Cleric> ;)
* ZackVixACD has quit (Client exited)
Chat/Quote #252 +(-65)-
Jask: My penis
ZackVixACD: I like that one'
Jask: Who wants it.
ZackVixACD: kind of good one
Chat/Quote #38 +(-67)-
* HolyDragonNall rapes Fob as an apology
Chat/Quote #97 +(-69)-
ZackVixACD i mean it was hard and fast
Pilot|FeelsLikeShit Like sex with Jask.
Chat/Quote #98 +(-69)-
Arayu: ROFL
Arayu: Kaze fails
Arayu: And Kaze, even if she wasn't home...
Arayu: My bro's playing CoCK4
Arayu: Err
Arayu: CoD*
Arayu: Sorry, the letters are right there.
Chat/Quote #115 +(-69)-
*** Rapist has joined #socb.
Jask: Oh look, another Blade of the Damned!
* Rapist rapes Jask
*** Rapist has left #socb.
*** Mode change "+b Rapist!*@*" for channel #socb by Jask.
Chat/Quote #256 +(-71)-
* Jesus has quit (Ping timeout)
<Arayu> lol Jesus timed out.
<Halcyon> He will be back in 3 days

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