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Chat/Quote #18 +(-1)-
HotGamerOne: dash speaks congalala language...
Sev|afk: Do congalala and blangonga speak the same language?
thraadash: Slightly different dialects.
thraadash: Like teochew and hokkien.
thraadash: Congalala more jungle, Blangonga more icelandic.
Sev|afk: So I guess the green and pink congalala speak to each other in something like american and british english?
thraadash: Congalala has more words for "Eat it and you will die". Blangonga has more words for "Eat it or you will die."
Sev|afk: I'd say rajang speaks in ebonics instead of australian
Sev|afk: yo 'sup mutha etc.

Chat/Quote #240 +(128)-
<BigO>: im hr 1
<BigO>: i have a Go
<BigO>: psp go
<GeneStarwind>: aww
<GeneStarwind>: so much phail

Chat/Quote #324 +(132)-
<TheATG/Adrian (Tip Master)> fuck I went into a quest with a bow but I have clips for my bowgun

Chat/Quote #15 +(19)-
Arayu|Away: Some guy in Capcom's offices is sitting there
Arayu|Away: Watching the website
Arayu|Away: "When's the next patch?!"

Chat/Quote #105 +(96)-
<Iris>: no it was about monster hunter, a dumbass didn't have the sense to put away his fucking sword,
<Iris>: or to realize that he could climb small cliffs, and got stuck in the first two areas because he was a retard and stopped playing it
<Iris>: he didn't think they slash button could climb because he didnt even know to put away his fucking sword first

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