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Chat/Quote #321 +(138)-
<pand> Hey gunlance is my favorite weapon!
<pand> And I really know how to play with it. Even online with other players
<pand> I am my favorite weapon type. How did you figure it out?!
<ZackVixACD> my favorite weapon is sex
<pand> too bad you don't know how to use it

Chat/Quote #319 +(5)-
(lead_hooves) anyone know an even faster way to level up cats?
(Plesioth) play better
(Plesioth) OH
(Plesioth) SNAP

Chat/Quote #317 +(114)-
(naudiz) ShadyFigure: why do I need to sharpen my horn?
(ZackVixACD) so that you can play the sharp notes better, duh

Chat/Quote #315 +(82)-
6:53 PM Yuracchi everyone loves it when I para but when i accidentally upswing them, noooo, im suddenly an idiot
6:53 PM SourKush ^
6:53 PM SourKush Lol

Chat/Quote #314 +(103)-
11:47 PM <patersonman> sohai you need to hold off on explosive arrows when hes stuned and everyone else is attacking him cause you send us all flying which wastes the traps
11:48 PM <patersonman> he did that to us every time we used a trap

Chat/Quote #313 +(154)-
>Kills kut-ku
<Hunter 1>: finally!
<Hunter 2>: What a magnificent creature! Truly a beauty among all. This creature did not have to die.

Chat/Quote #272 +(103)-
RedWolfen: Mr Melynx came and he was all "Imma rob joo" and Blos is leik imma liek own joo while yous all WTF"

Chat/Quote #271 +(82)-
RedWolfen Bleh.. I'd rather kill Mono now
RedWolfen I want to kill KD but nooooo it just had to vanish DX
RedWolfen It's one of the Village Elder quests
Daora KD?
Daora Oh wait.
Daora SHIT
Daora flies off

Chat/Quote #270 +(-15)-
<Mhfu>: How paly monster hunter freedom uinted
<DualHydra>: wow!
<Cleric: Turn the PSP on.

Chat/Quote #269 +(265)-
I don't actually like Monster Hunter. I hate it. I hate it with every fiber of my being. That is why I want to destroy it. I have to kill every monster in my path. The game is playing dirty, so I am playing dirty as well. I must make the best weapons in the game and completely and utterly destroy it until nothing is left.The satisfaction I feel when taking down the 100th Rathalos and finally get his fucking ruby is unbeatable.
God I hate this game. And I can't stop playing it because I hate it so much.

Chat/Quote #268 +(70)-
Anon: >go up to hug tiny khezu
Anon: >khezu hugs back, with electricity

Chat/Quote #266 +(47)-
mib_y5mf69: can any of u tell me how to kill 2 tigrex
Jask: What weapon types are you most comfortable with?
mib_y5mf69: long sword
Jask: Well, Tigrex's weakness is Thunder, so try for the Eager Cleaver line.
Jask: You'll want some armor that has skills to compliment it, but enough defense to survive his attacks. You can upgrade armor for the second part of that
mib_y5mf69: i did but with devil slicer
Jask: What armor have you been using?
mib_y5mf69: tigrex armour
Jask: ...
Jask: You're using Tigrex armor and asking how to kill Tigrex?

Chat/Quote #260 +(43)-
<reaper_28> i want to get a rathian plate...can you all teach me to get that ??
<reaper_28> i want to get a rathian plate...can you all teach me to get that ??
<reaper_28> hey!!
<reaper_28> #rathian
<Cleric> Go die.
<reaper_28> huhu:(
<Cleric> Seriously.
<reaper_28> cleric can you teach me how to get a rathian plate to complete my chameleos armor set??pls....
<reaper_28> cleric can you teach me how to get a rathian plate to complete my chameleos armor set??pls....
<Cleric> Stop sending the same fucking message twice.
<Cleric> And no.
<Cleric> Figure out how to get it yourself.
<Cleric> There's guides, carve guides, armor guides, monster guides.
<reaper_28> ow..sory...its difficult..
<reaper_28> fuck!!
<Cleric> You have experienced the rage of Cleric.
<Cleric> Consider yourself blessed.

Chat/Quote #254 +(41)-
<Revenant>: I bet you the way the towns of Monster Hunter were really developed was from a hunter being bored shitless waiting for Rathalos to come down.
<Revenant>: Not some meaningful and philosophical journey
<Revenant>: "I just really wanted to kill that cunt"

Chat/Quote #253 +(56)-
Halcyon [[email protected]] entered the room.
Halcyon: Rawr
***ZackVixACD throws flashbomb at Halcyon
***ZackVixACD watches Halcyon fall out of the sky
***Revenant cuts off Halcyon's tail
***Revenant fails to get a plate
***Revenant abandons quest

Chat/Quote #249 +(36)-
Tobikun: do sonic bombs work well on congalala's? I have some spare from my YKK

Chat/Quote #247 +(68)-
<mib_khizbu>: dude my first time fighting basarios he did that hyperbeam looking attack lol theres anly a slim chance he can do that lol
<mib_khizbu>: what are the odds?
<ZackVixACD>: 3/7
<ZackVixACD>: basically it is the same as the odds of a teenager being able to cum (right when he enters puberty)
<Shinbo_TheHungry>: ....

Chat/Quote #246 +(34)-
<Ryuko> but THDS > Rajang weap
<ZackVixACD> i kept laughing when you guys got hipchecked
<ShotaBot|AHP> THDS?
<Ryuko> True howling devil slicer
<ZackVixACD> The Hard Dick Sucker
* Ryuko has kicked ZackVixACD from #socb (Ryuko)

Chat/Quote #244 +(103)-
<beast96>: daymio hermiataur help!!!!
<ShotaBot>: Hit his legs.
<ShotaBot>: trip him
<ShotaBot>: Hit his shell.
<ShotaBot>: ???
<ShotaBot>: Profit.

Chat/Quote #242 +(59)-
<frondsworth>: How is everyone?
<frondsworth>: Well I'ma gonna go fail at hunting a gold rathian
<SoulG>: Good luck on failing, dear frondsworth

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