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Chat/Quote #51 +(38)-
<&NotAdelaine> introduce her to MH.
<Dy-dy> :o
* NotAdelaine is now known as FakeMod
<&FakeMod> hey, that's how my husband snagged me.
<%tm10> How would I introduce her to mh?
<&FakeMod> dunno. you think of something.
<Dy-dy> "Hey, wanna play a fucking fun game? It's in my pants, gimme a second."
<Dy-dy> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<&FakeMod> that works.
<%tm10> And then she screams and everyone looks at me.
<Tora> ._.
<Dy-dy> And then you whip your dick out.
<&FakeMod> if she's cynical enough to have your sense of humor, it might actually be great.
<&FakeMod> -_- not the whipping dick out part.
<Dy-dy> XD
<%tm10> There is nothing wrong with being a cynic :(
<&FakeMod> of course not. I meant that if she's the kind of person who'd take it as a joke, rather than be offended by it.
<Dy-dy> Or with whipping your dick out.
<&FakeMod> well, any decent girl would get offended at the whipping dick out part. =_=
<Dy-dy> The nickname "Tiny Tim" comes to mind.....
<Biscuit> :D
<%tm10> I don't think she even owns a PSP =
<&FakeMod> aw. then lend her one
<%tm10> Fuck no, they're expensive.
<&FakeMod> <-- thinks that the best way to a woman's heart is gaems, but maybe that's just me.
<%tm10> What if she breaks it?
<&FakeMod> then you whip your dick out.
<Dy-dy> I love you so much right now.
<%tm10> I love you.

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