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HunsterMonter Quotes
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Chat/Quote #240 +(134)-
<BigO>: im hr 1
<BigO>: i have a Go
<BigO>: psp go
<GeneStarwind>: aww
<GeneStarwind>: so much phail
Chat/Quote #235 +(82)-
Chameleos: Khezu is not a penis, he is simply a blind veiny slimy lo- ok, he MIGHT be a penis, but I don't think he ejaculates form his mo- oh wait...
Chat/Quote #234 +(-17)-
Kain: If ya got skill, all ya need is a bone kris and some underwear.
Chat/Quote #233 +(97)-
Mckrongs: any regulation/banned words here before I continue talking around here? ouo
KidImposter: unite names are banned
Chat/Quote #230 +(-8)-
AkantorSlayer: i need help slaying an akantor
Chat/Quote #228 +(-35)-
<ya>: when i see this bitch next time il pwn him like a mtherfker
<ya>: fuck this kutku stave II
<ya>: it took me 49 mins?
<ya>: and didnt kill him
<Frogore>: Wait.
<Frogore>: Did you say kut ku stave II?
<ya>: yep
<Frogore>: ...
<Frogore>: Your using this on a plesi?
<ya>: yep
<Frogore>: ...
Chat/Quote #227 +(73)-
<FoxInABox>: haha, garuga hit me with 3 poison spin in a row x3 .. so fail ..
<Mckrongs>: Fucking hell yeah.
<Mckrongs>: you call that fail?
<Mckrongs>: Try being an admin
<Mckrongs>: then losing to 2 Gendromes
<Mckrongs>: DX
Chat/Quote #192 +(53)-
ZackVixACD: I am back at drawing hunster monter comics! Submit your ideas!
Jask: You drew one?
SoulG: Ass rape, as usual, zack
Jask: Naked man riding Gypceros, mounted on the head with the horn covering his crotch, man looking proud, Gypceros doing his flash.
Chat/Quote #182 +(65)-
tigrexXx [[email protected]] entered the room.
<ZackVixACD>: Tigrex pron is here
tigrexXx: fuck u zack
***tigrexXx punch zack head
***ZackVixACD enters Rage mode
<tigrexXx>: haha..
***ZackVixACD one-hit-kos tigrexXx
<tigrexXx>: just kidding mah zack..
<ZackVixACD>: too late, you just failed the quest
<ZackVixACD>: supply items have already been returned
<ZackVixACD>: (even though you didn't have any)
<tigrexXx>: haha...funny la u..huhuh
<ZackVixACD>: yeah and you also got 0 guild point!
***tigrexXx ouchhhh
Chat/Quote #177 +(10)-
<Zana> XD Los and Rathian
<Zana> ZOMG lool
<Zana> OMG :(
<Zana> DEAR GOD!
Chat/Quote #176 +(21)-
ZackVixACD: Quake res won't make you do the "Earth Dance" when it is stepping too close to you
Chat/Quote #174 +(-12)-
[23:18] <~Biscuit> if you go back to MHFU there's something wrong w/ u cus it's just not fun at all
[23:18] <~Biscuit> needs new game
[23:18] <~Biscuit> with angler fishes
[23:18] <~Biscuit> and underwater dragonz
[23:18] <~Biscuit> and
[23:18] <~Biscuit> um
[23:18] <~Biscuit> rathian
Chat/Quote #166 +(58)-
Joao: Yah but the bad thing SoulG is I missed a month's class because of the heavy flooding.
Joao: It's my first day today.
Joao: I hope I can catch up with Flash.
SoulG: You can never catch up with Flash, he´s too damn fast
ZackVixACD: Flash? Easy Joao. Bomb Material + Flash Bug.
Joao: Lol
Joao: Dang. I forgot I'm in socb lol
Mr_Popo: also, you forgot it was zack
Mr_Popo: thats easily the third or fourth time he's done that
Mr_Popo: pwned someone with unrelated MH trivia
Chat/Quote #154 +(74)-
Corona: "Kushala Daora's anagram name is AHA! A DARK SOUL"
nai: Red Fatalis's anagram name is IDEAL FARTS
Chat/Quote #140 +(6)-
tigrexXx [[email protected]] entered the room.
Ghostcat: oooh
Ghostcat: tigrex porn
Chat/Quote #130 +(50)-
ZackVixACD: i really hate white fata
ZackVixACD: first round is cool, second is alright, then third run I ran outof time
ZackVixACD: and I brought barrel rolls
ZackVixACD: err... barrel bombs
Chat/Quote #129 +(46)-
gackto: um could some one give me some advice on which decoration i should put on terra ceanataur armor?
Adalet: Elemental attack up
Adalet: now gtfo
Chat/Quote #121 +(127)-
gackto: i tink my game hates me.
aegilnet: why? don't get the drop u wanted?
gackto: yeah.
aegilnet: lol
gackto: im trying to get for jugganaut hammer
aegilnet: it only makes u stronger not getting what u want
Chat/Quote #105 +(97)-
<Iris>: no it was about monster hunter, a dumbass didn't have the sense to put away his fucking sword,
<Iris>: or to realize that he could climb small cliffs, and got stuck in the first two areas because he was a retard and stopped playing it
<Iris>: he didn't think they slash button could climb because he didnt even know to put away his fucking sword first
Chat/Quote #104 +(25)-
<Sev>: I didn't read what he said, but was fata killer asking about fatas?
<Mr_Popo>: yeah, he was
<Sev>: wtf.
*** Fatalis joined #socb
Ghostcat squints at Fatalis
<Mr_Popo>: that the killer is gone, the monster...waitaminute!!
<Adalet>: Seamus is going to punch me in the throat!
*** Fatalis was kicked by Sev (GS 3rd CHARGE ON FACE HYAAAAA~!)
<Seamus>: Lol...
<Adalet> : LOL
<Mr_Popo>: lol
<Nelo>: LOL
<Seamus>: <3 Sev
<Ghostcat>: nice

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