HunsterMonter Quotes

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Chat/Quote #323 +(66)-
Hall 2 Rathalos and rathian high

Chat/Quote #182 +(65)-
tigrexXx [[email protected]] entered the room.
<ZackVixACD>: Tigrex pron is here
tigrexXx: fuck u zack
***tigrexXx punch zack head
***ZackVixACD enters Rage mode
<tigrexXx>: haha..
***ZackVixACD one-hit-kos tigrexXx
<tigrexXx>: just kidding mah zack..
<ZackVixACD>: too late, you just failed the quest
<ZackVixACD>: supply items have already been returned
<ZackVixACD>: (even though you didn't have any)
<tigrexXx>: haha...funny la u..huhuh
<ZackVixACD>: yeah and you also got 0 guild point!
***tigrexXx ouchhhh

Chat/Quote #253 +(65)-
Halcyon [[email protected]] entered the room.
Halcyon: Rawr
***ZackVixACD throws flashbomb at Halcyon
***ZackVixACD watches Halcyon fall out of the sky
***Revenant cuts off Halcyon's tail
***Revenant fails to get a plate
***Revenant abandons quest

Chat/Quote #79 +(63)-
Shinryuu: what does felyne martial arts[l] do?
mrt: Your cat learn martial arts and is able to use hadokens.

Chat/Quote #337 +(62)-
How to switch to manual select channel

in game

I want to play GodEaters with my friend
Okay thank your the info

Chat/Quote #242 +(61)-
<frondsworth>: How is everyone?
<frondsworth>: Well I'ma gonna go fail at hunting a gold rathian
<SoulG>: Good luck on failing, dear frondsworth

Chat/Quote #334 +(60)-
There is no more humbling feeling than being HR9 with almost 700 hours in-game and still forgetting your cool drinks and well-done steaks like a noob.

I speak from experience.

Chat/Quote #16 +(59)-
Ninjarayu: I smacked Brown Blongonga with my Bitch Be Good Paddle

Chat/Quote #166 +(58)-
Joao: Yah but the bad thing SoulG is I missed a month's class because of the heavy flooding.
Joao: It's my first day today.
Joao: I hope I can catch up with Flash.
SoulG: You can never catch up with Flash, he´s too damn fast
ZackVixACD: Flash? Easy Joao. Bomb Material + Flash Bug.
Joao: Lol
Joao: Dang. I forgot I'm in socb lol
Mr_Popo: also, you forgot it was zack
Mr_Popo: thats easily the third or fourth time he's done that
Mr_Popo: pwned someone with unrelated MH trivia

Chat/Quote #102 +(56)-
wapaloola: obtw its King Atlillart Sword not DKB
wapaloola: KAS!
Ninjarayu: DKB > KAS
Adalet: I like KAS better.
wapaloola: yeah
wapaloola: ever tried saying DKB?
Ninjarayu: Just because Diablos King Blade is less confusing than King Atillart Sword
wapaloola: sounds like you're sneezing
Ninjarayu: "What's DKB made of?" "Diablos, duh." "Oh. /wrist"
Ninjarayu: That's why you say it like AOL
Ninjarayu: Abbreviations =/= words
Adalet: AOL=OWL?
Adalet: AOLE?
Adalet: I DUNNO.
**Ninjarayu headfloors so hard China is seen**
wapaloola: lmao
Adalet: I wish I could do that.

Chat/Quote #77 +(55)-
<thraadash> Wonder why they still call it Unite?
<thraadash> Seems to be missing a lot of stuff to be called Unite.
<SoulG> Because they united all the crap and left outside the gang the cool stuff?

Chat/Quote #46 +(53)-
Jask|work: ...I am such a geeek
Jask|work: Doing data entry. Just input the value $1404
Jask|work: First thought: heh, 404
Jask|work: Second thought: heh, Juggernaut
ZackVixACD: juggernaut?
Jask|work: A hammer in 2G/Unite with 1404 attack power.
creamdonut: xD

Chat/Quote #192 +(53)-
ZackVixACD: I am back at drawing hunster monter comics! Submit your ideas!
Jask: You drew one?
SoulG: Ass rape, as usual, zack
Jask: Naked man riding Gypceros, mounted on the head with the horn covering his crotch, man looking proud, Gypceros doing his flash.

Chat/Quote #336 +(53)-
Andrzej: well
Andrzej: we dont need to cut its tail
Andrzej: for sac
Andrzej: we should either kill or capture
Haruka: but its sack is near its tail(edited)
Andrzej: ohh right
Andrzej: truu
Andrzej: forgot about it
Andrzej: dang it
Haruka: I should quote that

Chat/Quote #5 +(50)-
Nya: There is no Los Ecoology
Nya: Only ian
eyjaynizel: But wai? =/
Nya: idk, It's pretty much assumed that all los does is kill shit and flare his massive wang around the females.

Chat/Quote #130 +(50)-
ZackVixACD: i really hate white fata
ZackVixACD: first round is cool, second is alright, then third run I ran outof time
ZackVixACD: and I brought barrel rolls
ZackVixACD: err... barrel bombs

Chat/Quote #129 +(46)-
gackto: um could some one give me some advice on which decoration i should put on terra ceanataur armor?
Adalet: Elemental attack up
Adalet: now gtfo

Chat/Quote #44 +(45)-
Seamus: Thus why lance>GL still. :D
Prime223: Can lance make things go boom seamus
Seamus: Yes.
Seamus: It's called guard poking a bomb.

Chat/Quote #2 +(43)-
Moribaiken: I killed kut-ku whilst drunk for the first time
Moribaiken: so I believe drunk = super me!
Moribaiken: true story yo
Moribaiken: tried killin for a week couldn't
Moribaiken: then got drunk and killed em
Moribaiken: pwnd

Chat/Quote #266 +(43)-
mib_y5mf69: can any of u tell me how to kill 2 tigrex
Jask: What weapon types are you most comfortable with?
mib_y5mf69: long sword
Jask: Well, Tigrex's weakness is Thunder, so try for the Eager Cleaver line.
Jask: You'll want some armor that has skills to compliment it, but enough defense to survive his attacks. You can upgrade armor for the second part of that
mib_y5mf69: i did but with devil slicer
Jask: What armor have you been using?
mib_y5mf69: tigrex armour
Jask: ...
Jask: You're using Tigrex armor and asking how to kill Tigrex?

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