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Chat/Quote #46 +(55)-
Jask|work: ...I am such a geeek
Jask|work: Doing data entry. Just input the value $1404
Jask|work: First thought: heh, 404
Jask|work: Second thought: heh, Juggernaut
ZackVixACD: juggernaut?
Jask|work: A hammer in 2G/Unite with 1404 attack power.
creamdonut: xD

Chat/Quote #44 +(45)-
Seamus: Thus why lance>GL still. :D
Prime223: Can lance make things go boom seamus
Seamus: Yes.
Seamus: It's called guard poking a bomb.

Chat/Quote #26 +(97)-

Such a friendly, good-natured, well-meaning idiot. There was just something so heartwarming and

uplifting about his stupidity sometimes, like... like you knew that if things went wrong, he'd be the

first one to screw up and get killed, and not you

Chat/Quote #25 +(-35)-

8:32 Moribaiken I am the dark lord and all shall bow before me exposing thy necks as I suck you dry!
8:33 Zedd I can't
8:33 Zedd my neck just got eated
8:33 Moribaiken Oh :o
8:33 DarkCobraSK I'm a masochist ^_^
8:33 Moribaiken I like BDSM Cobra ;)
8:33 DarkCobraSK ._.
8:33 Moribaiken Have some good vids on comp lol
8:33 mrt I would prefer it if you said "drain you of your blood" or something. "suck you dry" makes you sound like a porn star

Chat/Quote #24 +(-51)-
Nall: my fucking entertainment stand just cut the shit out of me
Corona: no me
Nall: who knew pre-formed wood could be so deadly
Nall: *drinks potion, poses, gets run over by raging entertainment stand* Noooo
Wandermeyer: no ME
Burlynate: *entertainment stand uses splinter ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
Nall: I was shifting grip while carrying it
Nall: The corners are, apparently, VERY SHARP
Nall: Green at least
Burlynate: use it against a rock, the sharpness should fall pretty quickly
Nall: You know how they say human bites are the most likely to get infected
Nall: Does putting a cut finger inside your mouth do the same thing
Burlynate: yes,
Burlynate: enjoy your e-coli
Nall: :(
Burlynate: you shouldn't have eaten that
Jask: Next time wear arm equipment.
Burlynate: with guard inc
*** Wandermeyer has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).
Burlynate: or evade +2
Maverynthia: I don't think it works that way Nall, I think it has to be someone else's mouth
Burlynate: Don't read this
jfromeo: it'd be nice to see ppl rolling through cars at the street
*** Wandermeyer has joined #socb.
Burlynate: good luck w/ that, have you seen the hit boxes on those things?
jfromeo: no, but i have roll xploited some :)
Nya: I have.
Nya: First-hand.

Chat/Quote #23 +(15)-
*** darkcobra has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** thraadash has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** IOkung has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ravenkrus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** undefined has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** HotGamerMum has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ahdebus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** RokzRav has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** Elder_Felyne has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** DyrimTW has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
*** darkcobra has joined #socb.
*** DyrimTW has joined #socb.
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has joined #socb.
*** RokzRav has joined #socb.
*** ravenkrus has joined #socb.
*** thraadash has joined #socb.
*** Mode change "+o thraadash" for channel #socb by ChanServ.
*** World_Class_Bum is now known as Adelaine.
*** IOkung has joined #socb.
*** shyna66 has joined #socb.
IOkung: Om
shyna66: what hpnd?
IOkung: Why did my connection ALWAYS ends with Shyna's smile Face?
shyna66: hihihi
IOkung: Maybe It's so cute it melt teh connection
IOkung: lol
Jask|2G_group: Heh, mibbit crashing?
*** T has joined #socb.
Jask|2G_group: Not hitting me.
*** 352 Jask|2G_group #socb Mibbit 9AF0E163.8FCC407F.4877EDA4.IP thraadash Hr :0
*** End of /WHO list.
IOkung: ...
IOkung: You're Tanking with a Lance + Guard+2 Or SOMETHING!?
Jask|2G_group: Fuck tanking.
Jask|2G_group: Evade+2 baby!
IOkung: lol
IOkung: So
IOkung: You Rolled thought Crashing?
*** ahdebus has joined #socb.
IOkung: OMG!!
IOkung: even mum didn't survive lol
Jask|2G_group: Rolling fixes everything.

Chat/Quote #22 +(37)-
SoulEatingFreak: Fighting Kushala
SoulEatingFreak: this calls for lucky star music
SoulEatingFreak: because i am a gigantic faggot

Chat/Quote #21 +(129)-
wapaloola: dual monoblos shouldnt be too bad

Chat/Quote #20 +(93)-
Jask: They screwed up some of the item and weapon names.
wapaloola: the guy at capcom who told Nall about the London gathering actually apologized to him for the names xD

Chat/Quote #19 +(-63)-
Jask: I just got news that the planned game for tomorrow night was canceled, so I foolishly volunteered to run a one-shot. One person has already stated interest in playing an Abyssal
Tleilandrek: o.o
Tleilandrek: Hmm.
Tleilandrek: Advice?
Tleilandrek: I monster hunter
Jask: Started playing the game, have you?
Tleilandrek: no PSP.
Tleilandrek: But, make it like that.
Jask: ...
Jask: I like it
Jask: There is this one shadowlands with a behomoth...
Jask: behemoth*
Jask: Its mouth leads to oblivion
Tleilandrek: When in doubt.
Tleilandrek: Monster hunter.

Chat/Quote #18 +(-6)-
HotGamerOne: dash speaks congalala language...
Sev|afk: Do congalala and blangonga speak the same language?
thraadash: Slightly different dialects.
thraadash: Like teochew and hokkien.
thraadash: Congalala more jungle, Blangonga more icelandic.
Sev|afk: So I guess the green and pink congalala speak to each other in something like american and british english?
thraadash: Congalala has more words for "Eat it and you will die". Blangonga has more words for "Eat it or you will die."
Sev|afk: I'd say rajang speaks in ebonics instead of australian
Sev|afk: yo 'sup mutha etc.

Chat/Quote #17 +(-3)-
tm10: no more beer :(
tm10: I'm going to search for more.
tm10: brb, quest.
Jask: tm is on an epic journey.
Jask: He may even die on his quest.
tm10: Drunk in the wood = MH .
tm10: I usually wear a sweater as armor and a branch as a SnS with a beer box.
Jask: Eaten by dragons, crushed by ogres, fell drunkenly down stairs and broke his neck...
tm10: just in case.

Chat/Quote #16 +(59)-
Ninjarayu: I smacked Brown Blongonga with my Bitch Be Good Paddle

Chat/Quote #15 +(12)-
Arayu|Away: Some guy in Capcom's offices is sitting there
Arayu|Away: Watching the website
Arayu|Away: "When's the next patch?!"

Chat/Quote #14 +(100)-
Arayu|Away: Technically couldn't you call 2G an "untranslated demo"?
thraadash: hahahahahaha
Jask: If they have to use 2G in the display, they must not be very far in translating
zenkuso: true, but the english version unite is gonna have less blood! woot :(
thraadash: A better than the original, demo.
Arayu|Away: Yeah...
thraadash: Or, they might be waiting for us.

Chat/Quote #13 +(8)-
sarutan: Why is not MH3 on PS3!!!!! damn u stupid company(forgot its name loool)

Chat/Quote #12 +(8)-
Seamus: Afk, I'm bored now, so I'm gonna bash in Naruga's face with a Teostra Del Sol.
LikeNoWay: Naruga looks like a cat...
Seamus: Way to fucking state the obvious, LWN.
LikeNoWay: That's LNW to you, sir!
LikeNoWay: And it's more like dog..
xXHasukiXx: No narga looks like a rat
LikeNoWay: No, it's a bat. :)
xXHasukiXx lol
Prime223: I thought it was a panther slash bat
Prime223: thing
LikeNoWay: Nope, that's a black person's penis.

Chat/Quote #11 +(-18)-
DyrimTW: Don't hammer khezu with the khezu hammer
DyrimTW: bj
DyrimTW: :/

Chat/Quote #10 +(99)-
tm10: There was a girl I saw today who was really cute and shy. She was playing a hand held game and I was going to ask her out. I saw that it was a DS and I just walked away.

Chat/Quote #9 +(91)-
thraadash: Wear a Felyne suit and charge in with a barrel filled with Nitroglycerine?

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