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Chat/Quote #14 +(101)-
Arayu|Away: Technically couldn't you call 2G an "untranslated demo"?
thraadash: hahahahahaha
Jask: If they have to use 2G in the display, they must not be very far in translating
zenkuso: true, but the english version unite is gonna have less blood! woot :(
thraadash: A better than the original, demo.
Arayu|Away: Yeah...
thraadash: Or, they might be waiting for us.

Chat/Quote #58 +(99)-
Goemar: Nope, being an asshole doesn't make you a different species or sub-species, just makes you an asshole. Damn Devilblos.

Chat/Quote #10 +(98)-
tm10: There was a girl I saw today who was really cute and shy. She was playing a hand held game and I was going to ask her out. I saw that it was a DS and I just walked away.

Chat/Quote #341 +(97)-
Don't drink and flex when there's a giant horn-thing headed straight for you, kids.

Chat/Quote #233 +(97)-
Mckrongs: any regulation/banned words here before I continue talking around here? ouo
KidImposter: unite names are banned

Chat/Quote #105 +(97)-
<Iris>: no it was about monster hunter, a dumbass didn't have the sense to put away his fucking sword,
<Iris>: or to realize that he could climb small cliffs, and got stuck in the first two areas because he was a retard and stopped playing it
<Iris>: he didn't think they slash button could climb because he didnt even know to put away his fucking sword first

Chat/Quote #26 +(97)-

Such a friendly, good-natured, well-meaning idiot. There was just something so heartwarming and

uplifting about his stupidity sometimes, like... like you knew that if things went wrong, he'd be the

first one to screw up and get killed, and not you

Chat/Quote #314 +(94)-
11:47 PM <patersonman> sohai you need to hold off on explosive arrows when hes stuned and everyone else is attacking him cause you send us all flying which wastes the traps
11:48 PM <patersonman> he did that to us every time we used a trap

Chat/Quote #57 +(94)-
Jask: Haha! I just broke Monoblos's horn just as he pulled out.
Ghostcat that's what she said!

Chat/Quote #20 +(94)-
Jask: They screwed up some of the item and weapon names.
wapaloola: the guy at capcom who told Nall about the London gathering actually apologized to him for the names xD

Chat/Quote #9 +(91)-
thraadash: Wear a Felyne suit and charge in with a barrel filled with Nitroglycerine?

Chat/Quote #3 +(89)-
<Drago>: G Chameleos got owned.
<Drago>: that one was FUCKING HUGE
<aegilnet>:thats what she said!

Chat/Quote #271 +(84)-
RedWolfen Bleh.. I'd rather kill Mono now
RedWolfen I want to kill KD but nooooo it just had to vanish DX
RedWolfen It's one of the Village Elder quests
Daora KD?
Daora Oh wait.
Daora SHIT
Daora flies off

Chat/Quote #235 +(82)-
Chameleos: Khezu is not a penis, he is simply a blind veiny slimy lo- ok, he MIGHT be a penis, but I don't think he ejaculates form his mo- oh wait...

Chat/Quote #247 +(79)-
<mib_khizbu>: dude my first time fighting basarios he did that hyperbeam looking attack lol theres anly a slim chance he can do that lol
<mib_khizbu>: what are the odds?
<ZackVixACD>: 3/7
<ZackVixACD>: basically it is the same as the odds of a teenager being able to cum (right when he enters puberty)
<Shinbo_TheHungry>: ....

Chat/Quote #154 +(74)-
Corona: "Kushala Daora's anagram name is AHA! A DARK SOUL"
nai: Red Fatalis's anagram name is IDEAL FARTS

Chat/Quote #227 +(73)-
<FoxInABox>: haha, garuga hit me with 3 poison spin in a row x3 .. so fail ..
<Mckrongs>: Fucking hell yeah.
<Mckrongs>: you call that fail?
<Mckrongs>: Try being an admin
<Mckrongs>: then losing to 2 Gendromes
<Mckrongs>: DX

Chat/Quote #315 +(72)-
6:53 PM Yuracchi everyone loves it when I para but when i accidentally upswing them, noooo, im suddenly an idiot
6:53 PM SourKush ^
6:53 PM SourKush Lol

Chat/Quote #268 +(72)-
Anon: >go up to hug tiny khezu
Anon: >khezu hugs back, with electricity

Chat/Quote #83 +(69)-
Jask|SortaHere: Wapa, Ceanataur Z is a very good set, and used in a lot of mixed sets
wapaloola: Yeah but I use my Narga X loads anyway
wapaloola: with sharp +1
Seamus: NarUga... there's a damn U in it.
wapaloola: not in Unite english
Kogath|MH3: Fuck Unite
Seamus: Fuck Unite.
Kogath|MH3: XD
wapaloola: XDD

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