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Chat/Quote #347 +(42)-
a hentai server becomes..ytlyberty78u90ooiuytr ewe45r6tyuiojhg fdethrk6 tlyouijh gdfrytruliyuhg y fuygil li giyg lhi bn ighl uohkh
Chat/Quote #260 +(40)-
<reaper_28> i want to get a rathian plate...can you all teach me to get that ??
<reaper_28> i want to get a rathian plate...can you all teach me to get that ??
<reaper_28> hey!!
<reaper_28> #rathian
<Cleric> Go die.
<reaper_28> huhu:(
<Cleric> Seriously.
<reaper_28> cleric can you teach me how to get a rathian plate to complete my chameleos armor set??pls....
<reaper_28> cleric can you teach me how to get a rathian plate to complete my chameleos armor set??pls....
<Cleric> Stop sending the same fucking message twice.
<Cleric> And no.
<Cleric> Figure out how to get it yourself.
<Cleric> There's guides, carve guides, armor guides, monster guides.
<reaper_28> ow..sory...its difficult..
<reaper_28> fuck!!
<Cleric> You have experienced the rage of Cleric.
<Cleric> Consider yourself blessed.
Chat/Quote #246 +(39)-
<Ryuko> but THDS > Rajang weap
<ZackVixACD> i kept laughing when you guys got hipchecked
<ShotaBot|AHP> THDS?
<Ryuko> True howling devil slicer
<ZackVixACD> The Hard Dick Sucker
* Ryuko has kicked ZackVixACD from #socb (Ryuko)
Chat/Quote #254 +(38)-
<Revenant>: I bet you the way the towns of Monster Hunter were really developed was from a hunter being bored shitless waiting for Rathalos to come down.
<Revenant>: Not some meaningful and philosophical journey
<Revenant>: "I just really wanted to kill that cunt"
Chat/Quote #335 +(38)-
When the other players starting waiting for you and following you around, you know that you've become their hero.
That's when your anxiety kicks in.
Chat/Quote #22 +(37)-
SoulEatingFreak: Fighting Kushala
SoulEatingFreak: this calls for lucky star music
SoulEatingFreak: because i am a gigantic faggot
Chat/Quote #6 +(35)-
Ravenide: Can I get a Monob Heart from Diab?
Chat/Quote #51 +(34)-
<&NotAdelaine> introduce her to MH.
<Dy-dy> :o
* NotAdelaine is now known as FakeMod
<&FakeMod> hey, that's how my husband snagged me.
<%tm10> How would I introduce her to mh?
<&FakeMod> dunno. you think of something.
<Dy-dy> "Hey, wanna play a fucking fun game? It's in my pants, gimme a second."
<Dy-dy> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<&FakeMod> that works.
<%tm10> And then she screams and everyone looks at me.
<Tora> ._.
<Dy-dy> And then you whip your dick out.
<&FakeMod> if she's cynical enough to have your sense of humor, it might actually be great.
<&FakeMod> -_- not the whipping dick out part.
<Dy-dy> XD
<%tm10> There is nothing wrong with being a cynic :(
<&FakeMod> of course not. I meant that if she's the kind of person who'd take it as a joke, rather than be offended by it.
<Dy-dy> Or with whipping your dick out.
<&FakeMod> well, any decent girl would get offended at the whipping dick out part. =_=
<Dy-dy> The nickname "Tiny Tim" comes to mind.....
<Biscuit> :D
<%tm10> I don't think she even owns a PSP =
<&FakeMod> aw. then lend her one
<%tm10> Fuck no, they're expensive.
<&FakeMod> <-- thinks that the best way to a woman's heart is gaems, but maybe that's just me.
<%tm10> What if she breaks it?
<&FakeMod> then you whip your dick out.
<Dy-dy> I love you so much right now.
<%tm10> I love you.
Chat/Quote #69 +(31)-
Mizu[RftL]: Hopefully I won't think a Lao can dig again..
Chat/Quote #249 +(29)-
Tobikun: do sonic bombs work well on congalala's? I have some spare from my YKK
Chat/Quote #104 +(25)-
<Sev>: I didn't read what he said, but was fata killer asking about fatas?
<Mr_Popo>: yeah, he was
<Sev>: wtf.
*** Fatalis joined #socb
Ghostcat squints at Fatalis
<Mr_Popo>: that the killer is gone, the monster...waitaminute!!
<Adalet>: Seamus is going to punch me in the throat!
*** Fatalis was kicked by Sev (GS 3rd CHARGE ON FACE HYAAAAA~!)
<Seamus>: Lol...
<Adalet> : LOL
<Mr_Popo>: lol
<Nelo>: LOL
<Seamus>: <3 Sev
<Ghostcat>: nice
Chat/Quote #85 +(23)-
Nyahgis: anteka just got me kitty carted
Chat/Quote #176 +(21)-
ZackVixACD: Quake res won't make you do the "Earth Dance" when it is stepping too close to you
Chat/Quote #8 +(15)-
Thraadash: RED!
Thraadash: FULL OF BLOOD!
Thraadash: AND READY TO GO!!!
Chat/Quote #23 +(14)-
*** darkcobra has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** thraadash has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** IOkung has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ravenkrus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** undefined has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** HotGamerMum has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** ahdebus has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** RokzRav has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** Elder_Felyne has signed off IRC (Client exited).
*** DyrimTW has signed off IRC (Connection reset by peer).
*** darkcobra has joined #socb.
*** DyrimTW has joined #socb.
*** EclipselineTheSeraph has joined #socb.
*** RokzRav has joined #socb.
*** ravenkrus has joined #socb.
*** thraadash has joined #socb.
*** Mode change "+o thraadash" for channel #socb by ChanServ.
*** World_Class_Bum is now known as Adelaine.
*** IOkung has joined #socb.
*** shyna66 has joined #socb.
IOkung: Om
shyna66: what hpnd?
IOkung: Why did my connection ALWAYS ends with Shyna's smile Face?
shyna66: hihihi
IOkung: Maybe It's so cute it melt teh connection
IOkung: lol
Jask|2G_group: Heh, mibbit crashing?
*** T has joined #socb.
Jask|2G_group: Not hitting me.
*** 352 Jask|2G_group #socb Mibbit 9AF0E163.8FCC407F.4877EDA4.IP thraadash Hr :0
*** End of /WHO list.
IOkung: ...
IOkung: You're Tanking with a Lance + Guard+2 Or SOMETHING!?
Jask|2G_group: Fuck tanking.
Jask|2G_group: Evade+2 baby!
IOkung: lol
IOkung: So
IOkung: You Rolled thought Crashing?
*** ahdebus has joined #socb.
IOkung: OMG!!
IOkung: even mum didn't survive lol
Jask|2G_group: Rolling fixes everything.
Chat/Quote #90 +(13)-
<Anonymous> First wall to hit was Kut Ku. The first real MONSTER in MONSTER HUNTER. I eventually beat that fucker.
Then Tiger Rex comes along and slams my fucking finger in the car door on purpose. I eventually beat his ass down too.
No its Rajang. FUUUUUUUUCK, he slammed my entire hand in the door, and connected by balls to the car battery. Then after the 10minute mark his big brother came out and proceeded to kick me in the ribs while Im down while his little bro keeps electrocuting my balls. Fuck this thing man. Fuck it hard.
Chat/Quote #319 +(12)-
(lead_hooves) anyone know an even faster way to level up cats?
(Plesioth) play better
(Plesioth) OH
(Plesioth) SNAP
Chat/Quote #15 +(11)-
Arayu|Away: Some guy in Capcom's offices is sitting there
Arayu|Away: Watching the website
Arayu|Away: "When's the next patch?!"
Chat/Quote #177 +(10)-
<Zana> XD Los and Rathian
<Zana> ZOMG lool
<Zana> OMG :(
<Zana> DEAR GOD!
Chat/Quote #12 +(8)-
Seamus: Afk, I'm bored now, so I'm gonna bash in Naruga's face with a Teostra Del Sol.
LikeNoWay: Naruga looks like a cat...
Seamus: Way to fucking state the obvious, LWN.
LikeNoWay: That's LNW to you, sir!
LikeNoWay: And it's more like dog..
xXHasukiXx: No narga looks like a rat
LikeNoWay: No, it's a bat. :)
xXHasukiXx lol
Prime223: I thought it was a panther slash bat
Prime223: thing
LikeNoWay: Nope, that's a black person's penis.

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