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Chat/Quote #13 +(8)-
sarutan: Why is not MH3 on PS3!!!!! damn u stupid company(forgot its name loool)
Chat/Quote #329 +(8)-
Alguien que me ayude con el emulador no puedo ver a los jugadores.
Chat/Quote #343 +(8)-
"I believe I can fly~" ode to greatsword upswing victims.
Chat/Quote #64 +(7)-
Andra: If Black Dragon Spear had a dick.
Andra: Jack would have sucked it
Andra: Because that is all he ever talked about
Chat/Quote #140 +(6)-
tigrexXx [[email protected]] entered the room.
Ghostcat: oooh
Ghostcat: tigrex porn
Chat/Quote #339 +(3)-
Vaccaria: I'm okay with the fact that there are cheaters in MHFU and MHP3rd, which means I still have a job. But if someone, SOMEONE, just tries to cheat in MHF1, I am so done that I will be a mod just to make a new role to call them "true n00b" when they go to the #gulag, and leave the server again :V
Chat/Quote #4 +(1)-
<Corona>: Paralyze + Wrap = Win
<Corona>: Good old Arbok
<Corona>: Glare and Wrap
<Corona>: Thats all it took
<TheSeraph>: paralyze and wrap by a hot girl is one way to a good night's sleep
<TheSeraph>: my bed is soft
Chat/Quote #68 +(-1)-
<MonthOLDpickle> If there is one thing I learned in my life, its not to fuck with Unicorns.
Chat/Quote #87 +(-2)-
<Prime223>: kill kusha. she is easy to kill.
<Prime223>: Idk
<superkrunch>: She clearly has a Vagina.
<ZackVixACD>: she is a bitch since she just flies around
<ZackVixACD>: oh wait no... that will make him a dick
<Adalet|Shower>: Kusha could possible be both genders.
<ZackVixACD>: Cham is a female because all she does is just sits there and takes it (hits) like a hoe...
<ZackVixACD>: but again... Kusha always blows, and gives lots of blow jobs around and stuff...
<Adalet|Shower>: So does Teostra, and he's a dude.
<Adalet|Shower>: He blows till the fire comes out.
<ZackVixACD>: well, gay dragon then
<superkrunch>: Hawt.
<ZackVixACD>: hot blow jobs
<ZackVixACD>: i guess compared to Teo, Kusha still has a lot to learn
<ZackVixACD>: as he/she only gives cold blow jobs
<Adalet|Shower>: Teo made me turn red.
Chat/Quote #7 +(-3)-
Jask: "Oh, use a hammer, hit the head. She's easy"
Chat/Quote #17 +(-3)-
tm10: no more beer :(
tm10: I'm going to search for more.
tm10: brb, quest.
Jask: tm is on an epic journey.
Jask: He may even die on his quest.
tm10: Drunk in the wood = MH .
tm10: I usually wear a sweater as armor and a branch as a SnS with a beer box.
Jask: Eaten by dragons, crushed by ogres, fell drunkenly down stairs and broke his neck...
tm10: just in case.
Chat/Quote #73 +(-7)-
(ZackVixACD) I wish you could yell in the game...
(ZackVixACD) Rajang is walking away from me, and han't seen me yet
(ZackVixACD) I tried rolling to make that funny noise, but nothing >_>
(ZackVixACD) I want to say "HEY MUTHAFUCKER I AM HERE"
(ZackVixACD) which would probably translate to (in mh langage) "EHH din da ra doo"
Chat/Quote #18 +(-8)-
HotGamerOne: dash speaks congalala language...
Sev|afk: Do congalala and blangonga speak the same language?
thraadash: Slightly different dialects.
thraadash: Like teochew and hokkien.
thraadash: Congalala more jungle, Blangonga more icelandic.
Sev|afk: So I guess the green and pink congalala speak to each other in something like american and british english?
thraadash: Congalala has more words for "Eat it and you will die". Blangonga has more words for "Eat it or you will die."
Sev|afk: I'd say rajang speaks in ebonics instead of australian
Sev|afk: yo 'sup mutha etc.
Chat/Quote #230 +(-8)-
AkantorSlayer: i need help slaying an akantor
Chat/Quote #270 +(-9)-
<Mhfu>: How paly monster hunter freedom uinted
<DualHydra>: wow!
<Cleric: Turn the PSP on.
Chat/Quote #342 +(-11)-
If you see a rajang, flash bomb it! blind puck can't do shit!
Chat/Quote #174 +(-12)-
[23:18] <~Biscuit> if you go back to MHFU there's something wrong w/ u cus it's just not fun at all
[23:18] <~Biscuit> needs new game
[23:18] <~Biscuit> with angler fishes
[23:18] <~Biscuit> and underwater dragonz
[23:18] <~Biscuit> and
[23:18] <~Biscuit> um
[23:18] <~Biscuit> rathian
Chat/Quote #99 +(-15)-
Sully: Same thing with trenya
Sully: He never brings me dragonmoss
Sully: He'll give me wood all day long
Sully: just no moss
Sully: lol
Sully: Hey that sounded pretty homo
Chat/Quote #234 +(-17)-
Kain: If ya got skill, all ya need is a bone kris and some underwear.
Chat/Quote #11 +(-18)-
DyrimTW: Don't hammer khezu with the khezu hammer
DyrimTW: bj
DyrimTW: :/

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