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Chat/Quote #102 +(57)-
wapaloola: obtw its King Atlillart Sword not DKB
wapaloola: KAS!
Ninjarayu: DKB > KAS
Adalet: I like KAS better.
wapaloola: yeah
wapaloola: ever tried saying DKB?
Ninjarayu: Just because Diablos King Blade is less confusing than King Atillart Sword
wapaloola: sounds like you're sneezing
Ninjarayu: "What's DKB made of?" "Diablos, duh." "Oh. /wrist"
Ninjarayu: That's why you say it like AOL
Ninjarayu: Abbreviations =/= words
Adalet: AOL=OWL?
Adalet: AOLE?
Adalet: I DUNNO.
**Ninjarayu headfloors so hard China is seen**
wapaloola: lmao
Adalet: I wish I could do that.
Chat/Quote #99 +(-14)-
Sully: Same thing with trenya
Sully: He never brings me dragonmoss
Sully: He'll give me wood all day long
Sully: just no moss
Sully: lol
Sully: Hey that sounded pretty homo
Chat/Quote #93 +(157)-
Seamus: What? The ONLY way to unlock Hawkeye is to register for online stat tracking with Gamespy...
ZackVixACD: what? you get Hawkeye from completing G-level training
Kogath: -_-
Seamus: ...
***Kogath smacks Zack
Seamus: Seriously, Zack...
Yagami_Riato: lol@zack
Chat/Quote #90 +(13)-
<Anonymous> First wall to hit was Kut Ku. The first real MONSTER in MONSTER HUNTER. I eventually beat that fucker.
Then Tiger Rex comes along and slams my fucking finger in the car door on purpose. I eventually beat his ass down too.
No its Rajang. FUUUUUUUUCK, he slammed my entire hand in the door, and connected by balls to the car battery. Then after the 10minute mark his big brother came out and proceeded to kick me in the ribs while Im down while his little bro keeps electrocuting my balls. Fuck this thing man. Fuck it hard.
Chat/Quote #87 +(-2)-
<Prime223>: kill kusha. she is easy to kill.
<Prime223>: Idk
<superkrunch>: She clearly has a Vagina.
<ZackVixACD>: she is a bitch since she just flies around
<ZackVixACD>: oh wait no... that will make him a dick
<Adalet|Shower>: Kusha could possible be both genders.
<ZackVixACD>: Cham is a female because all she does is just sits there and takes it (hits) like a hoe...
<ZackVixACD>: but again... Kusha always blows, and gives lots of blow jobs around and stuff...
<Adalet|Shower>: So does Teostra, and he's a dude.
<Adalet|Shower>: He blows till the fire comes out.
<ZackVixACD>: well, gay dragon then
<superkrunch>: Hawt.
<ZackVixACD>: hot blow jobs
<ZackVixACD>: i guess compared to Teo, Kusha still has a lot to learn
<ZackVixACD>: as he/she only gives cold blow jobs
<Adalet|Shower>: Teo made me turn red.
Chat/Quote #85 +(23)-
Nyahgis: anteka just got me kitty carted
Chat/Quote #83 +(68)-
Jask|SortaHere: Wapa, Ceanataur Z is a very good set, and used in a lot of mixed sets
wapaloola: Yeah but I use my Narga X loads anyway
wapaloola: with sharp +1
Seamus: NarUga... there's a damn U in it.
wapaloola: not in Unite english
Kogath|MH3: Fuck Unite
Seamus: Fuck Unite.
Kogath|MH3: XD
wapaloola: XDD
Chat/Quote #79 +(61)-
Shinryuu: what does felyne martial arts[l] do?
mrt: Your cat learn martial arts and is able to use hadokens.
Chat/Quote #77 +(54)-
<thraadash> Wonder why they still call it Unite?
<thraadash> Seems to be missing a lot of stuff to be called Unite.
<SoulG> Because they united all the crap and left outside the gang the cool stuff?
Chat/Quote #73 +(-8)-
(ZackVixACD) I wish you could yell in the game...
(ZackVixACD) Rajang is walking away from me, and han't seen me yet
(ZackVixACD) I tried rolling to make that funny noise, but nothing >_>
(ZackVixACD) I want to say "HEY MUTHAFUCKER I AM HERE"
(ZackVixACD) which would probably translate to (in mh langage) "EHH din da ra doo"
Chat/Quote #71 +(114)-
—› nick: (Joshua[away]) is now known as (Joshua)
(ZackVixACD) hey Joshua
(ZackVixACD) >=( I don't care if you are a staff! You are here, YOU TALK ABOUT MONSTER HUNTER
(ZackVixACD) OR I personally ban you!
• ZackVixACD sets mode +b on Joshua and Joshua alone
(Joshua) lol
(ZackVixACD) Ah! there you are :P You talked
(Joshua) its a miracle!
(TheSeraph) omfg
(TheSeraph) joshua speaks
(Seamus) Holy crap.
(Seamus) He actually typed something.
(ZackVixACD) man, I gotta save that apparition of Joshua
(ZackVixACD) do you think it is worthy of being quoted?
(Joshua) of course im worthy to be quoted!
(ZackVixACD) :O
Chat/Quote #69 +(30)-
Mizu[RftL]: Hopefully I won't think a Lao can dig again..
Chat/Quote #68 +(-1)-
<MonthOLDpickle> If there is one thing I learned in my life, its not to fuck with Unicorns.
Chat/Quote #64 +(6)-
Andra: If Black Dragon Spear had a dick.
Andra: Jack would have sucked it
Andra: Because that is all he ever talked about
Chat/Quote #60 +(-47)-
thraadash: We should all sell our PSPs and concentrate on.....
ZackVixACD: buttsex?
Chat/Quote #58 +(100)-
Goemar: Nope, being an asshole doesn't make you a different species or sub-species, just makes you an asshole. Damn Devilblos.
Chat/Quote #57 +(95)-
Jask: Haha! I just broke Monoblos's horn just as he pulled out.
Ghostcat that's what she said!
Chat/Quote #56 +(-32)-
Morgene:You bastard
Morgene Can't you get ready for quests faster?
Morgene:You got more shit than me
Pilot:I forgot what I was doing and zoned out
Morgene:By the gods...
Chat/Quote #54 +(110)-
BGoodman: Can you break the blue Kut-Ku's ears with a LS?
ZackVixACD: quick, someone answer to that in a sarcastic fashion
ZackVixACD: I will do it then :/
BGoodman: :[ . I'm a noob, I know.
ZackVixACD: if the Sword is Long and the ear is blue, maybe it will cut
ZackVixACD: awww... :( that sucked
BGoodman: That did suck.
BGoodman: *breaks ears*
BGoodman: Fuck yeah.
ZackVixACD: see? see?
Chat/Quote #51 +(33)-
<&NotAdelaine> introduce her to MH.
<Dy-dy> :o
* NotAdelaine is now known as FakeMod
<&FakeMod> hey, that's how my husband snagged me.
<%tm10> How would I introduce her to mh?
<&FakeMod> dunno. you think of something.
<Dy-dy> "Hey, wanna play a fucking fun game? It's in my pants, gimme a second."
<Dy-dy> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<&FakeMod> that works.
<%tm10> And then she screams and everyone looks at me.
<Tora> ._.
<Dy-dy> And then you whip your dick out.
<&FakeMod> if she's cynical enough to have your sense of humor, it might actually be great.
<&FakeMod> -_- not the whipping dick out part.
<Dy-dy> XD
<%tm10> There is nothing wrong with being a cynic :(
<&FakeMod> of course not. I meant that if she's the kind of person who'd take it as a joke, rather than be offended by it.
<Dy-dy> Or with whipping your dick out.
<&FakeMod> well, any decent girl would get offended at the whipping dick out part. =_=
<Dy-dy> The nickname "Tiny Tim" comes to mind.....
<Biscuit> :D
<%tm10> I don't think she even owns a PSP =
<&FakeMod> aw. then lend her one
<%tm10> Fuck no, they're expensive.
<&FakeMod> <-- thinks that the best way to a woman's heart is gaems, but maybe that's just me.
<%tm10> What if she breaks it?
<&FakeMod> then you whip your dick out.
<Dy-dy> I love you so much right now.
<%tm10> I love you.

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